Life Interrupted
by LAW
Our little boy is home again
Though not so little now.
Almost a man - he's been through hell,
A furrow marks his brow.
Evil seized and held him captive
Stripped his innocence away;
While love and hope remained alive
As every night he'd pray:
"Hear me, Lord, do not forsake
Your child by suffering tried!
Please let them find and take me home
To heal at my parents' side."
His first resistance and resolve
Were slowly beaten down
By threats, by force, by mind control;
This child in evil drowned.
Unrecognized, unrescued;
Unschooled and insecure;
Controlled, manipulated;
Mistreated and obscure.
"Do as I'm told - then I'll survive!"
That's how he made it through
The daily hell that was his life
While none around him knew.
We fought, we searched, we gave our all,
Though we were told, "He's dead."
And now he's home! He's back! He's ours!
Asleep in his own bed.
I pray God's grace and truth will cleanse
His heart and soul and mind
Of evil thoughts and fears and deeds,
That peace and joy he'll find.
Understand? Of course we don't -
We've never been to hell.
But how the Lord will use him now
Only passing years will tell.
New life and light and hope is found
In Christ, the Father's Son.
We do believe and find relief
God's justice WILL be done.
*composed in 2007 upon the return of S.H. to his parents after 4 years of captivity and abuse