Monday, November 10, 2014

Music Monday: California Honeydrops

Love in Pittsburgh

This is what Love looks like.  

Love NOTICES when someone disappears from our lives.  But Love goes even further and SEEKS OUT those who have vanished.  Love doesn't ASSUME or DISMISS or BRUSH ASIDE.  Love isn't too busy to DO something.

Love seeks.   Love pursues.  Love rescues.  Love protects.  Love CARES.

Monday, November 3, 2014


by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Thank God, bless God, all ye who suffer not
More grief than ye can weep for.  That is well - 
That is light grieving!  lighter, none befell
Since Adam forfeited the primal lot.
Tears! what are tears?  The babe weeps in his cot,
The mother singing, at her marriage bell
The bride weeps, and before the oracle
Of high-famed hills the poet has forgot
Such moisture on his cheeks.  Thank God for grace,
Ye who weep only!  If, as some have done, 
Ye grope tear-blinded in a desert place 
And touch but tombs, - look up! those tears will run
Soon in long rivers down the lifted face,
And leave the vision clear for stars and sun.