Friday, July 27, 2007

Sesquipedalian Superstars

That big word in the title literally means, "a foot and a half" and is the heading for a list of polysyllabic words in my new book, The Reading Teacher's Book of Lists. I'm a word-nerd who gets excited over things like this! I buy a minimum of 2 books annually for improving vocabulary...there's nothing that interests me more than language.  Well, almost nothing...

Most of the words on the list are simply a combination of roots with which many of us would be familiar, but there were a couple of doozies:

hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia - fear of really long words

hyperpolysyllabicsesquipedalianist - one who enjoys using extremely long words

floccinaucinihilipilification - estimating something as useless (I cannot for the life of me figure the etymology of this word...I see roots that could mean hairy and wooly, and I see "nihil" but I'm obviously missing something!)

honorificabilitudinitatibus - the quality of being honorable (this word is actually used by Shakespeare in Love's Labors Lost)

philosophunculist - one who pretends to know more than he actually does

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