Sunday, September 30, 2007
Billy Budd
Liberated Woman
Friday, September 28, 2007
Island of the Blue Dolphins
Thursday, September 27, 2007 the Highest Bidder!
So now I have to face my children this afternoon and tell them the news. I guess I'll console them by saying we can watch Simon whenever his new family leaves town...and maybe a "Love-It" from Coldstone won't hurt, either. I'm gonna be attempting to buy back their love for a long time!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Don't Forget!
This was Saturday evening's sunset:
O-K, so maybe there was a little variety! They threw in a bagpiper on Saturday. Actually, we watched the sunset on Saturday from Spanish Bay golf course where the bagpiper closes the course each evening, beginning at the 1st hole and ending at the 18th...very cool.
The place we stayed was one house in from Ocean View Blvd. We only had to walk a few yards to get to the beach. Here's the neighborhood:
This is the house to the left of ours:
This is the house to the right of ours:
This is the house directly across the street:
This is our house:
For Sale: One Cockapoo
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sentimental...with a Touch of Bitter
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Long Walk
Leepike Ridge
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
65 & Sunny...or Sunny & 65
Dump & Pour
1/2 - 3/4 c. each: sour cream and real mayo
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Giving Credit Where It's Due
Copia: Foundations of the Abundant Style - Erasmus (1512)
"Classical Composition" curriculum - Jim Selby (2003)
Composition in the Classical Tradition - Frank D'Angelo (2000, Allyn & Bacon)
Composition & Rhetoric for Higher Schools - Lockwood & Emerson (1902 Athenaeum Press)
Silvae Rhetoricae - an internet site hosted by Brigham Young University
60 Ways to Turn a Phrase - Arthur Quinn (1982)
Of course, these sources are largely derivative from the Ancients (Aphthonius, Aristotle, Cicero, Isocrates, etc.....), as well as from Medievalists (Augustine, Bede, Boethius...). And, I might add, there are a host of other brilliant resources - some which I have studied and some which I have only perused - but those listed above have been most formative for me thus far.
On Rhetoric XIV: The Canons
Monday, September 17, 2007
More Than Dates & Dead People
Sunday, September 16, 2007
I won! I won!
Old timeless bag, you're stained and ripped and overall quite shabby;
You once were shiny, firm and chic, but now you're thin and flabby;
Unlike the boy who loved his worn-out, scarlet-fevered rabby;
I'm sending you to your funeral pyre, 'cause now I covet Abby.
"Abby" is the bag's name...
If you get a chance, visit April and Rechelle's blogs. They are both great story tellers and possess a brilliant knack for making the mundane delightful! Rechelle is also a musician...check out her album "Famous Girl Detective" at i-Tunes.
Teaching Spelling
I have just enough experience as a Mom and Teacher to know 2 things:
1) There exists a sharp distinction between natural spellers and everyone else.
2) Both natural and non-natural spellers benefit from formal spelling instruction.
Successful spelling instruction will incorporate a combination of strategies which must include:
1) Reading - not just ANY reading, but good literature. Over time, exposure to a wide variety of words in context influences one's ability to spell.
2) Systematic study and application of spelling rules
3) Systematic study and application of prefixes & suffixes
4) Systematic vocabulary study, application and immersion in Latin, Greek and German roots
I have repeatedly witnessed the positive results of this combination. If any one of these are absent, the rate of success diminishes significantly.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Should I or Shouldn't I?
It's a very irrational thing to do...and I told Steve, "Thanks, but we shouldn't." Now, I'm second guessing myself! Soooo.........I'm taking a poll!! Should we go to San Antonio or not? The poll is found in the upper left-hand corner of this blog page.
Heidelberg Catechism 1
"From his castle in Heidelberg, Elector Frederick 1562, commissioned the preparation of a new catechism for guiding ministers and teachers in instructing the people in the Christian faith.
"At the Synod of Dort in 1618-1619, delegates from the Reformed churches of Europe gave the Heidelberg Catechism high praise for its pedagogical and doctrinal features. It soon became the most ecumenical of all the Reformed catechisms and has been translated into most of the European languages and into many Asian and Afican languages as well."
While we studied it, we were encouraged to memorize certain portions, including Question #1. This answer is laden with solace and it plays over and over in my mind, especially the first paragraph...
Question 1:
What is your only comfort in life and in death?
He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free from the tyranny of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven: in fact, all things must work together for my salvation.
Because I belong to him, Christ, by his Holy Spirit, assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him.
Thanks be to God for faithful pastors and ministers who compose confessions, creeds and catechisms for the building up of the People of God; and for those who continue to set them before us for our edification!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
On Rhetoric XIII: The Final Four
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
It's Not Big, It's Large
On Rhetoric XII: Examples of Stages 8-10
Encomium: Choose from many Biblical/historical/literary figures (Noah, Abraham, Moses, Rahab...Augustine, Luther, Wilberforce, Washington...The Ant, Frodo, Beowulf, etc....)
Invective: Choose from Biblical/historical/literary figures (Cain, Saul, Judas,...Nero, Hitler, Hussein...Javert, The Fox, Achilles, etc...)
Comparison: Proverbs - the Wise Man and the Foolish Man
The Good Samaritan - and the neglectful religious leaders
The Little Red Hen - and the lazy animals
Cinderella - and her stepsisters
Robert E. Lee & Stonewall Jackson
King David & King Ahab
You get the idea! A host of material exists and is easily accessible for these 3 stages.
On Rhetoric XI: Encomium & Invective
3rd Sentence - Heighten the praise by pointing out that this person: is the only one is the first one is almost the only one has done it better than all others has done it at an unexpected time, etc.
Ancestors/Heritage Parents