Now that the Cardinals are mathematically excluded from post-season play, I am somewhat relieved - October will be easier without scheduling life around games as we've done for the last few seasons.
I must admit that I was not a very faithful fan this year. I adamantly maintain that I am NOT a fair-weather fan and my disinterestedness arose before they lost a game (which was fairly early...Opening Day, in fact). The past couple of years have brought too many changes, and long-time traditions have been easily discarded. The accumulation of these changes has stirred up a tad of bitterness in my otherwise delicate-feeling heart.
First of all, I miss the old Busch. Maybe I'm old and can't endure progress, but I had accumulated memories in that place for several decades and there was nothing I didn't like about the old stadium. The shadow of the arches on the field is one of my favorite images...we liked the shady spots tucked underneath the overhang...and we liked being able to get in on Opening Day - it was a tradition with us for 8 years...tailgating with Kevin and Melissa before going inside for all the Opening Day hoopla!

I don't find that the new stadium offers anything, well, new! The bathrooms are still ugly and crowded with long lines, the concessions are still the same old ballpark food, and if everyone who sits in front of us shows up, the view from our seats isn't all that great - in spite of the talking-heads' insistence that there isn't a bad seat in the house. Additionally, there is nothing that sets this ballpark in self-professed "baseball heaven" apart from any other new ballpark. Cardinal history is not nearly prominent enough in the new set-up...the tributes to past players are weak at best. San Francisco's park is much more beautiful and unique - and for crying out loud, you can get a fresh turkey breast (not lunchmeat, but real turkey breast!) sandwich with cranberries to go with your Guinness!!
It also seems that the atmosphere in the new Busch has changed. The ownership has purposely appealed to the business crowd with the multiplication of fancy meals and prime party boxes. This is reflected in the attitudes issuing from the stands...I believe there are fewer die-hard Cardinal fans who can actually get seats now, resulting in an uninformed and demanding crowd.
I was probably most disappointed by the switch from KMOX to the "Big-550-KTRS." That tradition runs too deep, and the professionalism and experience of KMOX far exceeds that of the other station, whose programming is worthless (except maybe McGraw...). I can't get used to new Cardinal's broadcaster John Rooney either. What was the big freakin' deal about him?
The final straws of discontent for me were the removal of all but 20 games from local television and my inability to "get in" on Opening Day. Steve and the boys were gone, so I headed downtown and walked around for 2+ hours trying to buy a ticket...I was willing to pay almost any price, even an unreasonable one...I COULD NOT FIND ONE TICKET FOR SALE! I didn't turn down any offers...there were no offers to refuse! Silly as it may seem, that ticked me off and I decided I had had enough of Cardinal baseball. So, I went home and tried not to listen to the game...I couldn't just give it up cold turkey, but I only checked in every 5 minutes or so!
I "sort of" let go for a while, and I really didn't follow full-force until Rick Ankiel showed up...I'll never forget his first opening day at the old Busch...what an emotional experience that was! And what a great story in general! I have listened and watched faithfully since his return...I can't help myself. It's been in my blood for too long now.
Tonight, I purchased the latest copy of Gameday first this's a great one highlighting Rick, Yadi and Mike Matheny. How can you not love baseball with guys like Yadi and Mike?
So, here's to another pretty good season of Cardinal baseball!
Oh, and by the way...only 21 weeks 'til Spring Training! ;)
The words and passion of this post porve you are a true fan.
I totally agree with your assessment of the new stadium. I actually went to the very first game played in the old stadium and I have never really got used to the new one. It really does seem very unremarkable to me.
Well, maybe you and your family can come out and see me do a Cyclocross race in the coming weeks. We should be doing one or two at Jefferson Barracks.
WHAT? You know where the good seats are! And the good food! Don't be badmouthing too much or we will think you don't want to see a Cardinal game with us! Maybe you don't because I talk too much:)
Hey...I admit, the new stadium is perfect if you have GREEN SEATS every game! But, I am at the mercy of my friends to get me there...we normal joe-shmoes don't get salmon, filet, and all manner of gourmet food (oh, the pumpkin creme die for!!!), nor do we get your unimpeded view of Mr. Rolen's musculature!! Have you ever even journeyed into the red seat area in the new stadium? Yeah - Didn't think so...
O-K...let me be clear. I will never turn down an offer to go with you to the game...never. I will always say yes...always. You can talk incessantly about things I don't care a whit about and I would still say YES!! Always... :)
I am glad to know how much you would put up with:) to sit in the green seats! And you are right, I have never been in any other colored seat-why would I? ;)
And...I would always take you to the World Series if I had the chance!!
Ditto on KTRS. Among other creative expressions, we call it "K-an T-hey R-ecieve (the) S-ignal" at our house. How about "K-eep T-rying (to) R-eally S-ay" something?
Absolute dittos on John Rooney. Give me Shannon, Rick Horton, Jay Randolph or any number of others, but John could have just stayed in Sh-KO-GO. Way too overplayed on just about every call, even the foul balls (caught OR missed!!).
I'm with you, MR. Dad. We often receive a VERY poor signal from KTRS!!
And the "Sh-KO-GO" is right on! Rooney fell out of favor with me when, early on, he called the Cards the White Sox...he was not very apologetic and tried to brush it off. Plus, he often gave the score of the White Sox if anyone in STL gives a rip. We've never been given that score before, except on the "Scoreboard Show."
Bobber - I never responded to you either...sorry.
My parents were at the first game at the old Busch too. Do you still have your certificate showing you were there? My dad gave me his last year when the new one opened.
We'll look at our calendar and see if we can make any of your races. Thanks for the invite.
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