Occasionally I taste a wine that I just can't wait to have again; one that I am willing to search for online or trek around town to find. Last night's dinner guests brought a bottle of Faust Cabernet 2004, and it turned out to be one of those rare finds!

The technical reviews offered on their website sound like every other wine description and do not do justice to the rich, full-bodied flavor of this wine. Try it, if you can. If you're like me, you won't taste black currant, orange, creme-brulee or plum, but you'll taste a truly fabulous wine!
"Wine is bottled poetry."
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Lori: I don't have your e-mail address, so I'm sticking this in the comment section at the bottom.
Do you have a Facebook account? Come on--everybody else is doing it...
I don't. Don't you have to be under 35 to do that? ;-)
I can't imagine trying to maintain 2 sites...'course I don't really know what's involved in facebook, since I've never even looked at one! Do I need to check it out?
Maybe I'll look at yours...
I enjoy it. It can be as high or low-maintenance as you want. Some use it as sort of a micro-blogging utility, others to upload pictures into albums (and view other's pics), some like it for games (not me!), some just to keep in touch with others you may not otherwise take the time to call or e-mail. It certainly started as a college-aged thing, but lots of people use it these days. Jeff is on it, as are Mark & Jennifer, Jon B., Tommy Lee, and probably others you know.
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