As you can see from the pictures below, Riesa was quite satisfied with her Christmas! She was like a little kid opening her gifts! She'd get all excited, clap, rub her hands together gleefully and give a silly, hearty laugh before shaking each one right near her ear. It was like having a little kid in the house again.

The "cell phone" was a big hit. She carries it in her pocket and pulls it out everytime I use mine and her conversations usually last longer than mine do!

"I'm so sweet!" are the words which usually accompany this gesture. She means that she's really happy!
Julian ended up being with us too, which added to everyone's fun! There's nothing quite like the wonder of a young child at Christmastime (well, almost nothing...watching the fully-grown Steve Shaffer open his black leather Harley jacket was almost as entertaining!). Julian enjoyed watching Aunt Riesa open her gifts, almost as much as he enjoyed opening his own. The only thing he WANTED (Power Rangers), he didn't get from us. We gave him cowboy, knight and Indian costumes with the accompanying weapons. He wasn't quite sure what to think, but he's a very imaginative pretender, so I know they'll get plenty of use over the next couple years. He loved the cap gun, which I let him shoot IN THE HOUSE (much to my boys' consternation)!!

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!
Great pictures, but where's the one of Steve with the Harley jacket?
Glad you had a fun Christmas.
I'm glad for Riesa! Well documented!
I still need to give her the gift that I made for her...
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