Tuesday is grooming day at our house. Since Riesa doesn't go to "school", it's the day I set aside for her maincure, pedicure, and any other necessary maintenance. As is true with any activity involving Riesa, I never know what to expect. Some days we complete the routine without incident. Some days she's not in the mood and she spends the entire day miffed at me for bein' all up in her personal space.
Today, however, was a whole new experience. For some reason, maincures and pedicures make Riesa really nervous. I don't know if she's been knicked one too many times or what, but she really isn't crazy about me messin' with her...especially her feet. I often find myself creating a new way to divert her attention so she'll relax and let me take care of business. That was completely unnecessary this time as she created her own unique diversion. We took an unexpected trip into Mayberry.

You see, when I needed to work on her right foot, she would pat her right leg and talk to it: "Andy, you better listen to Riesa. Put it right over there. Now....leeeave it there." (indicating the place I needed her foot to be) And when I needed her left foot, she would call that leg "Barney" as she instructed it what to do. "It's OK, Barney. She's not hurt you. Be veeeeeery careful." She did this repeatedly, commanding or consoling them throughout the process...and it's a LOOOONG process! Anyway...I don't know where this came from, but it was highly entertaining for me and too good not to share.
Great story! I'm an Andy Griffith fan like Riesa. I even have a picture of the Mayberry gang hanging up in our office. But I never thought of using Andy and Barney to work through stressful situations...I like it.
too funny...are her hands Opie and Aunt Bea?
Pretty funny! It is great that you persevere with all the things Reisa needs every day despite her resistance. It is also great that she offers comic relief in the midst of the process.
This is great, ha! Great plan for my next stressful situation!!
Don't you remember what Barney always said? "Clip it! Clip it! Clip it!"
...or was it "Nip it! Nip it! Nip it!"?
I thought I was on to something there, but never mind...
Rhonda. It's OK, dear. I completely understand the "I just made a really funny and clever connection and nobody gets it but me..." thing. I spend a lot of my life amused at myself when no one else is. Which is to say: I have no idea what you're talking about.
That is priceless. I also amuse myself. It gets embarassing when I am talking to myself and cracking me up and then I realize I am in the grocery store. So far no one has kicked me out of the store--yet. Joanie Maybe I should just remain anonymous.
Joanie...anonymous or not, we'd know it was you!
Okay, Lori, so you're not as enlightened as I am. That's okay. Love you anyway. (FYI: Barney Fife always said "Nip it in the bud! Nip it! Nip it! Nip it!") If you'd spend some time watching Andy Griffith reruns instead of reading Letters of John Newton you would know this...
Joanie...Thanks for sticking up for me.
Rhonda, you elicited my first guffaw of the day. That lands you a special place in my heart, you know!
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