Monday, August 31, 2009
Leisurely Woman's Daybook 8
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Wordsmith Wednesdays
assault - implies a sudden, violent attack
beset - implies an attack or onset from all sides
storm - suggests a rushing, powerful attack that is stormlike in its action and effect
bombard - means to attack with persistent, repetitious action
Sentences, please.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Leisurely Woman's Daybook 7
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Julie & Julia
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Synchretism or Plundering the Egyptians?
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wordsmith Wednesdays
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Surprised By Hope
My more recent understanding leads me to believe that the Bible presents a different picture than that. We have reason to believe that the New Heavens and New Earth will be very much like the present world...only absent of sin and the curse! Of course, we can only imagine the way that might look! But the fact is, we will not arrive onto that scene as perfected individuals. We will still be creatures made in the image of God...we will still work...we will still create...we will still grow in knowledge, understanding and wisdom over time! We will, as Adam should have the first time around, take dominion over the creation by working, beautifying and glorifying, but we will now do it in an atmosphere where the ground is not working against, but with our efforts. The animals will not be at enmity with us, but will submit to man and cooperate with his work! THIS is the end goal of Christian humanity...not an ethereal existence in "heaven." The question of what happens to me after death is not the major, central, framing question that centuries of theological tradition have supposed. The New Testament, true to its Old Testament roots, regularly insists that the major, central, framing question is that of God's purpose of rescue and re-creation for the whole world.
The second question Wright addresses is: what does an emphasis on the bodily resurrection and life in the New Heavens and New Earth mean for the here and now? Well, first of all, we must view life on this earth as significant, because there will be some transference of man's knowledge, work, etc. The wood, hay and stubble will burn, but the gold, silver and precious stones will be refined and inherited for our use in our continued growth and dominion. So what we do here matters. The present bodily life is not valueless just because it will die. God will raise it to new life! Maybe [we need] to focus not on the question of which human beings God will take to heaven...but how God is going to redeem and renew his creation through human beings and how he is going to rescue those humans themselves as part of the process...
Additionally, the Gospel was never intended to only project us into that "other" future. The good news of Christ is to transform us now. The effects of that transformation ought to be that we, in turn, transform the world around us. He did not want to rescue humans from creation any more than he wanted to rescue Israel from the Gentiles. He wanted to rescue Israel in order that Israel might be a light to the Gentiles, and he wanted thereby to rescue humans in order that humans might be his rescuing stewards over creation. So, the Gospel matters NOW! We believers in the Gospel should be propelled by its truth, grace and beauty to apply its transformative power to everything around us - architecture, horticulture, community living, deeds of justice, deeds of mercy, parenting, education, fashion, music, literature, etc., etc.! We are not to sit idly by waiting for it all to disintegrate and be destroyed at the last day! Our duty is to build for His kingdom, all the while believing that our work is not in vain and that Christ is more than able to transform the world even here and now in ways that will matter in the New Heavens and the New Earth.
Wright's book offers a very thorough defense of Christ's resurrection and then presents a Biblically-based eschatology that springs from that solid belief in and understanding of the resurrection. Though I take issue with him on some points, I highly recommend the book and think you too will find his primary views Biblically-sound and encouraging too! No "to hell in a handbasket" attitude here! Prepare to be surprised by hope.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Leisurely Woman's Daybook 6
Saturday, August 15, 2009
One Year Ago
Thursday, August 13, 2009
But Does it DO Anything??
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Wordsmith Wednesdays
Monday, August 10, 2009
Leisurely Woman's Daybook 5
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Wordsmith Wednesdays
perspicuous - to see through; a clear statement or expression
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Coffee, Ketchup & The Wealth of the Wicked
In the meantime, we deprive ourselves of the legitimate enjoyment of goods and services which are for us! Think of it this way: those coffee bean harvesters in the fields of Sumatra are servants in the hands of God, working in the image of God, to create a product about which we can heartily declare, "It is good!" Their work brings joy, blessing and benefit to many, including many of Christ's own! They are functioning as servants of His servants whether or not they realize it!