From the kitchen...lightly pan-seared ahi and flash-fried spinach for dinner tonight.
Around the house...chores were greatly neglected this past week and it shows!! Lots of catching up to do!
A favorite thing...Sunday evening barbecues on the church parking lot.
I am thinking...that I should be asleep right now.
I am wearing...a sweatshirt and jeans, for the first time this season!
I am hearing...the clicking of my long fingernails on the keyboard.
I am reading...the New Explorer Rhyming Dictionary. Seriously.
I am creating...personalized, handmade wrapping paper for Christmas season. OK...not really. NOTHING....STILL!! Let it go, would you?
I am thankful for...a liturgy that incorporates a distinct, in-your-face, declaration of forgiveness and release week after week after week.
Plans for my week...I am committed to cleaning out my junk drawer and clearing my kitchen "desk" which are full of neglected papers, projects, phone calls, thank you notes, forms to be filled out, etc...all saved for later, which is NOW!
A photo/video I am sharing...nieces and nephews who are all grown up: the girls are both Mamas now. (L = Marcia & Ryan R = Jessica & Justin)

This is your own variation of the Daybook, right? Then if the chair would please recognize the blogger from Maryland--thank you--I move that the "I am creating..." category officially be changed to "I am listening to..." You seem to have an eclectic and interesting taste in music, so you could share your listening adventures with the rest of us. Just an idea. Do I hear a second?
>> a liturgy that incorporates a distinct, in-your-face, declaration of forgiveness and release week after week after week.<<
Amen on the declaration of forgiveness! And no wonder you are thankful to be released from church each week, after having to sit through a long, boring sermon by that Meyers guy.
Hey, I acknowledged her via acknowledging you on my first one. Is is bad etiquette not to do it everytime?
I've actually considered changing several of the categories because they're difficult to answer on a weekly basis. I use the "I am hearing..." to incorporate music interests. I think that by next Monday I'll have a new plan! And the whole creating thing...I really WANT to create something. I have an abundance of resources at my fingertips for creating stuff...I just haven't operated in that sphere for a while. But I'm determined to start back up!! Really!
Haha on the Meyers guy. I'm sure your edifying comment won't go unnoticed. :-)
>>Hey, I acknowledged her via acknowledging you on my first one. Is is bad etiquette not to do it everytime?<<
Not at all! I sure didn't intend to suggest that you should...I only meant that since it is your own variation of the daybook, you could scrap/edit any categories you didn't like.
As for the "I am creating..." category, I think your culinary efforts more than suffice for that one!
Oh...I misunderstood. I think that formal jargon confused me. :-)
We'll see what next Monday brings...!
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