Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wordsmith Wednesday

I was amused to find the following words as MAIN ENTRIES in my thesaurus.  These aren't from the old-fashioned, intelligent version but from a popular version of Roget's.  I mean...if you know THESE words, do you really NEED a thesaurus in the first place??  And are you REALLY going to look up these words to find a more appropriate synonym?  Hm. 

agglutinate - join, attach

boffo - successful, record-breaking

callow - inexperienced, immature

dilatory - procrastinating, delaying

extrude - expel, eject

fatuous - stupid, foolish

gormandize - devour, gorge

histrionic - theatrical, dramatic

ignominy - shame, dishonor

jocund - cheerful, lighthearted

knurled - bumpy, knotty

legerdemain - sleight of hand, deceit

mendacious - dishonest, misleading

nefarious - villainous, detestable

officious - meddlesome, intrusive

proclivity - inclination, tendency

querulous - fault-finding, critical

redolent - fragrant, aromatic

sobriquet - nickname, alias

troglodyte - recluse, hermit

urbane - suave, refined

vestigial - obsolete, atrophied

wan - pale, colorless

yammer - whine, complain

zephyr - gentle breeze, light wind

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