I suppose I had known Shaf a full 10-12 weeks by the time I ordered wedding invitations. When they arrived, I was pleased. They looked exactly as I had intended. There was just one little problem. He and his mother were not pleased.
I had misspelled his name. An honest mistake to be sure! Afterall, that's a pretty intimate detail, right? After such a hasty process, was I really supposed to know that his name was spelled SteVen instead of StePHen?
But of course, it gets worse. I can't just be average stupid...no, that wouldn't do. For a few hundred bucks I figured it was a mistake worth living with and said so.
lol!! At least you spelled his last name right.
Was it cheaper to buy new invitations or cheaper to take him to court and change his name? Jen had Jeff listed as sister of the bride on her bulletin. So much for proofreading. J
That's sooo funny!!! I knew Mark a full 21 weeks the day we married and we had seen each other about 13 - 14 times as we lived in different states. Our phone bills could have paid for the wedding a couple of times, though!! Amazing the similarities our lives have taken! Been praying for you throughout the day today!!
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