Monday, January 17, 2011

I Quit...AGAIN

Every single week I think, "I am going to stop blogging."  The reasons vary, but the idea continues to crop up...Sunday after Sunday after Sunday. 

Why am I doing this anyway?

I have nothing left to say.

Nobody (OK...hardly anyone) reads it.  It's not like I'm impacting the world or anything.

I could be doing such better things with my time.

This is really a self-indulgent, narcissistic venture!   Just STOP IT, Lori! I am.  Another Monday morning...another blog post.  And Tuesday's and Wednesday's are already percolating in the brain.  Perhaps I'm addicted to writing.  Or narcissism.  I don't know.

But thanks to those who take the time to stop by every now and then and enter into the crazy world that is my mind.  I hope you're not as bored with me as I am.  And I hope that occasionally you are entertained, or enlightened, or convicted, or encouraged...or maybe even dumbfounded by my Want of Wit.

And I hope that whenever I do actually quit, you might be just a little bit sorry I did. :-)   


Randy S. said...

Apparently we are not as bored with you as you are..... don't stop....

annie said...

Hey, please don't stop blogging! I would miss you and all of the interesting stuff I learn over here. :)

Angie B. said...

Keep going, Lori, keep going! I might not comment a lot, but I do read your blog posts via my Google Reader. Carry on!

Laura said...

I'd miss you if you stopped.

Unknown said...

I read each & every one of them... part of my diet now. Maybe I'm codependent? ;-)

Jessie said...

Maybe it's okay I'd you just blog because you like it. And you can.

Jessie said...

If...not I'd

Dang auto correct

marnie said...

Don't stop Lori. Appreciate your wisdom.

Marilyn B.

Anonymous said...

Always an interesting read but I understand the pull of demands by family/work/house/etc. Consider taking a break for 30 days. That will give you time to readjust to the void left behind and give you perspective on what to "do" first. Then you can come back with some fresh perspectives that may even surprise YOU! lol. blessings and prayers to you...

Lori Waggoner said...

That's right, folks. Feed the monster!

To the mysterious I know you?

Anonymous: thanks for the suggestion. That's kind of like saying, "stop taking your psychotropics for 30 days and see what happens"! I'll need a withdrawal support system in place before I attempt it. said...

Why write? Narcissism? Masochism? Aneurysm? Compulsion. Who cares?

Why do we read it? Entertaining. Enlightening. Work distracting. So we can repeat what you wrote to others and sound smarter.

Fact is we read it and, as long as it isn't a chore, don't worry about it.

This is the problem I have though. I thought you were quitting smoking when I saw the title. Boo to you for misleading.

Rich K. said...

Don't stop else will I learn about how my old high school girlfriends lost my gifts to them and the real reasons why they dumped me? :-) I no longer need therapy, I have your blog. :-)

Your posts are highly entertaining, informative, provocative, and intellectually stimulating. Keep it going and I promise to read more often to up your blog numbers. :-)

Lori Waggoner said...

Thanks for all the smiles and the encouragement to continue on!

Paul, I hoped to mislead SOMEONE by my title...just didn't realize it would be YOU!

Oriana said...

Don't stop blogging, Mrs Shaffer! If you did, I would lose my excuse to refrain from cleaning the dishes or (even worse!) stay up late. And... I've had a lot of laughs from your stories. :)

Lori Waggoner said...

Orianna! I'M your excuse not to do dishes? You need to get a life, my child! :) Seriously...I love that you read my blog. Makes me happy. I'm TRYING to keep it up!

niece Jess said...

Rich's comment was hilarious. Hilarious. STOP BLOGGING, AUNT LORI!!!! There I did it. I starved the monster. but don't stop cuz really your brain is a wonderful place and I like the tour. :D

p.s. do you know what the word ''apangana''?