Debbie trying to steal Riesa's uber-stylish baseball ring!
Debbie trying to steal Riesa's uber-stylish baseball ring!
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord
Juggling Jeff - a traditional festival performer who, in addition to juggling knives and torches, escapes from a straightjacket in fewer than 60 seconds while standing on a pink rubber ball. Oooohhh!
A variety of local musicians provide entertainment
Those more intellectually inclined can attend mini lectures about Shakespeare, acting, or the particular play chosen for that year.
A group of youth join with some of the actors to present a condensed version of Richard III - imagine a 3-hour plot crammed into about 6 minutes...very funny, entertaining and informative!
Many people arrive between 5 & 6pm to stake their claim on a plot of ground, and bring along a picnic dinner and a bottle of wine. If you don't want to pack your dinner, you can purchase anything from a brat & Schlafly's to a Filet Mignon & Cabernet boxed dinner.
This is very much a family-friendly event and, in our experience, is best enjoyed with several families together for the evening.
The worst thing about it, is that it is subject to the temperamental and unpredictable St. Louis weather! Tonight's performance (my second this year) got rained out. But the sunset was beautiful!
Our hotel as seen from our stadium seats
The interior of this particular Hilton has been recently remodeled in a very sleek and modern looks like it would be more at home in NY City than in STL. They live up to their name "Ballpark Hilton" quite well. Each gathering space, hallway and room is full of B&W photos and memoribilia spanning the storied history of the Cardinals' franchise.A room with a view
This one was taken through our hotel room window!
The hotel was packed and so was the we hung out in our room and watched ESPN until 5:30, when we walked across to the new Busch Stadium. I'll refrain from once again voicing my displeasure with the new design, amenities, etc. In spite of all that, I just love the sights, sounds and smells of baseball.
The outside architecture is beautiful, though unoriginal
My lovely companions: Steve, Grant and Eric