The Shakespeare Festival of St. Louis has been performing on the grounds of Forest Park for the 8 summers now and has become a permanent fixture on the summer landscape. Unfortunately, I didn't know about it until last summer when they gave an exceptional performance of "Much Ado About Nothing." I had heard that they were changing the setting to a western idea I viewed with skepticism and even disdain; however, they did more than "pull it off"! It was exceptional! The boys and I went 3 times!
The performances begin at 8pm, but the festival provides entertainment for an hour or two beforehand, including:
Juggling Jeff - a traditional festival performer who, in addition to juggling knives and torches, escapes from a straightjacket in fewer than 60 seconds while standing on a pink rubber ball. Oooohhh!
A variety of local musicians provide entertainment
Those more intellectually inclined can attend mini lectures about Shakespeare, acting, or the particular play chosen for that year.
A group of youth join with some of the actors to present a condensed version of Richard III - imagine a 3-hour plot crammed into about 6 minutes...very funny, entertaining and informative!
Many people arrive between 5 & 6pm to stake their claim on a plot of ground, and bring along a picnic dinner and a bottle of wine. If you don't want to pack your dinner, you can purchase anything from a brat & Schlafly's to a Filet Mignon & Cabernet boxed dinner.
This is very much a family-friendly event and, in our experience, is best enjoyed with several families together for the evening.
The Tragedy of King Richard III was chosen for summer 2008. Since I had never read it before and no movie version has been released since Laurence Olivier's, I had some homework to do! As I usually do with Shakespeare, I read a children's adaptation first. I always reach for Charles and Mary Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare first, but they didn't include Richard III, so my second choice is Leon Garfield's Shakespeare Stories I & II. After getting the basic plot idea, I pick up the original and usually find it understandable. This one, though, required a little more study and historical background before I could fully place all the characters in their proper context.
The best thing about the festival is that, like so many venues in St. Louis, IT'S FREE. That's right...FREE!!
The worst thing about it, is that it is subject to the temperamental and unpredictable St. Louis weather! Tonight's performance (my second this year) got rained out. But the sunset was beautiful!

Great post! I was going to say something about it on my blog, but perhaps I'll just link people to you!
Oh, and I am digging the photo of you in the margin. Its awesome!
Cool. And thanks on the photo...that was from this weekend's wedding. Sort of a bright, flashy outfit for me!
I love the new picture too. You look great! I am enjoying this little "Summer in St Louis" thread. I forwarded the Cardinals one to Jeremy and he loved it. This post looks great too. St Louis is great about having wonderful free things to do.
So...did you like it? We only stayed until intermission, and I have to say I wasn't too impressed. My least favorite of all their endeavors thus far.
WHAT?!! You left at intermission?
I DID like it...enough to go back a second time (rain-out), and hope to go again.
There are a couple of passages that I love and I thought they did a pretty good job of portraying their significance. It certainly wasn't as entertaining as Much Ado, but I was satisfied, and even pleasantly surprised.
Btw, I had to investigate to find out who you were! Thanks for stopping by...I visited your site and your little guy has gotten so big and cute! Hope you're enjoying being MOM! Nice to hear from you!
So you figured me out, eh? =)
I might have stayed for the second half if 1) we hadn't had the little guy with us 2) my in-laws (who were in town) and my honey had been able to follow the story and 3) I'd wanted to. Since all those things combined, we left. I love the summer Shakespeare in Forest Park (and can't believe you didn't know about it until last year!) and think it's a FANTASTIC program...I'm just not a fan of Richard, I guess! =P
Didn't get to make it this year but we went last year and the year before. But never can stay the whole time because of the kids. Two years ago, Julius Caesar was excellent. It was more in period. But I liked last years also.
Here's more photos of Jeff as well as another juglar who performs at the City Museum.
Boojes - I bet you would have enjoyed it under different circumstances. For example, if you were alone without all those distractions! I'm not sure I would have followed it if I hadn't "worked on it" beforehand, since it was entirely unfamiliar to me. There's always next year!
Bobber - Thanks for the photo link. The first time we saw Jeff was at City Museum about 6 years ago! How many people can actually make a living doing this stuff? Probably not many...he's a rare bird! Some day you and Luz will get to sit through the whole thing...really.
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