Outside my window...a tiny hummingbird and a giant bumblebee are vying for the remaining drops of nectar in the Phlox.
From the kitchen...I purchased a new cookbook which is chock-full of recipes I can't wait to try! Most cookbooks only contain about a dozen recipes that really catch my attention, but this one far exceeds that quota! Can't wait to try many of them...or at least MY VERSION of them!

Blackened Tilapia Po'Boy
Baguette slices with Spiced Jam, Heady Garlic and Cambozola
Coconut Chili Soup
Smoked Salmon Blintz Cups
Lavalicious Chocolate Kisses
Bourbon Chicken Skewers
Leek-Wrapped Ginger Scallops
Parmesan Cones with White Bean Mousse
Lemon Thyme Sorbet
Just a few of the inspirations inside this bargain-table cookbook!
Around the house...I'm still trying to get the male population of my household to empty the kitchen garbage-can without being asked. Everyone will cram and cram and shove and cram until the garbage is piled 6" above the top of the can and the bag can only be removed by excessive force. But here's the kicker. Invariably, as soon as I remove the crammed-full bag, one of the three offers, "Oh, here...I'll get that." And no matter how many times it happens, it infuriates me everytime! "OH! YOU'LL get it, huh? Well, why didn't YOU get it during the last 3 hours or even in the last 5 minutes when you stuffed ONE MORE THING in there?!! Huh?! Huh?!" That's what I think...what I say is, "Nope. Got it." And of course, my voice is thick with contempt.
A favorite thing...raspberries and cream lotion..a daily luxury and a happy smell for me.
I am thinking...that summer is nearly over. The boys and I head to school this Thursday to buy textbooks and gym clothes for the coming year. Where ever did it go?
I am wearing...my new (smaller!) jeans. There are advantages to losing 40 pounds, you know! Yes...I'm tootin' my own horn, but it's taken a lot of time and work to get here!! Now if I can just keep it off...all of it!
I am hearing...the rap "soundtrack" to my son's Xbox NBA game. Ugh.
I am reading...my latest issue of Gourmet and Bon Appetite magazines. That counts as reading, right? Otherwise, I'm still reading Huck Finn and Trinity and Reality.
I am creating...well, I'm not exactly CREATING, but I'm embellishing a book of poetry.
I am thankful for...technology.
Plans for my week...gather information from local universities. I'm considering returning to school, so I need to explore my options! The ultimate goal? Well...I'll share that in one of my "I Have a Dream" posts. You'll just have to wait!
A photo/video I am sharing...That's me standing behind my siblings. Middle row L-R: Sherre, Pam, Vicki. Richard is on Pam's lap. My Granny bought us these Polly Flinders dresses and we often wore them when we sang in church...yep. We were "performing" trios and quartets from a very early age!

"Around the house"--swallow any words you might want to say to the little/big darlings when they ask if they can take out the trash after you start to do the dastardly deed. They will either quit offering once you start or they will continue to offer. Either way you win. They will have to take out the trash. Initiative isn't high when trash is concerned. Joanie
Cont. I have learned that you keep on asking them to do things because it "ain't" going to happen if you don't. Been there and done that. Joanie
Oh, Joanie, why do you have to be older and wiser. I was planning to comment that Lori expressed my exact emotions regarding the trash situation. And, yes, I usually make some snippy remark as to what took so long for them to offer to "help." Now you say I have to bite my tongue. I hate it when other people show me my flaws. I guess I'll have to try to keep my thoughts to myself.
Congrats on the weightloss. It's ok to toot your own horn once in a while.
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