My blogosphere friend, Angie, hijacked this idea from another site and now I intend to make it my own. Unoriginal? Yes. Do I lack the artistic ability to create my own logo? Yes. Will it give me yet another easy blog day without having to think too much? Yes. Done!
The Woman's Daybook is a sort of journal which utilizes pre-established phrases to record what's happening in her world; therefore, the need to create a topic all on her own is eliminated...just follow the formula. I'm in a good place for following forumulas! I did, however, have to exercise the slightest originality and assign my own name to this process. I'm certainly not simple (as the initial author apparently is), and though I may be distracted (as is Angie!), I chose the word that most accurately characterizes my current lifestyle: The Leisurely Woman's Daybook. Most Mondays I will use this format to tell you more than you ever cared to know about my life. So here goes round 1:
Outside my window…the sky runs around naked in every direction with no shame and no discretion (thanks for that line, Rechelle). For those of you non-poetic hoosiers, that means "ain't no clouds."
From the kitchen…fresh blueberries and raspberries with heavy cream. Simply divine!
Around the house...it's bed-stripping day! Yes, that definitely deserves an exclamation point.
A favorite thing...crawling into a bed with fresh linens. If I were in possession of inordinate wealth, this is one luxury I would allow myself on a daily basis...freshly laundered linens! Ahhhh.......
I am thinking...about life and death...loss and grief. Especially about Justin and Alicia who just lost their first little baby, Esther, after a few days of life and hope. And Jennifer, who lost her sister to cancer this week. May the Lord grant them the comfort of his Holy Spirit.
I am wearing…2 barrettes in my hair, because 1 isn't strong enough to hold this massive mess together! And they don't match...which really bothers me...until I remember that I am a RECOVERING perfectionist, upon which recollection, the angst immediately dissipates!
I am creating…the memorization booklet for this year's VBS program. All the verses are chosen and typeset, now if I can just adorn it appropriately and finish adding some extras, I'll be satisfied.
I am reading…Trinity & Reality by Ralph Smith - he is fleshing out the implications of the Trinity for Christian belief and practice. Thought-provoking and challenging stuff.
I am hearing…Cantorion Teifi's glorious rendition of Mendelsshon's Psalm 121: Lift Thine Eyes. A much-needed Psalm of Confidence.
I am thankful for...my son, Eric, who turned 13 yesterday and who gives me about 10 hugs everyday. He is an encouragement to his momma.
Plans for my week...driving son #1 to and from school, where he is helping to put on a basketball clinic for 3rd-6th graders...everything else is day by day, moment by moment this week.
A photo/video I'm sharing...this is my paternal grandmother, Shirley Ann Waggoner. Isn't she darling?

So there you have it. Come back next week for more. That is, if you're into this sort of thing...
I like this. Especially, Shirley Ann's photo. I totally agree on the linen thing nothing like a bed with crisp off the line sheets.
I love this sort of thing. And I love you.
Hey, April! I'm always glad when I know you've stopped by! Unfortunately my linens don't come "off-the-line" yet. I've been begging for a clothesline for a while now. I'm thinking I'm gonna have to be self-sufficient...again!
Rachel, I love you too, dear. I saw with your beau at the funeral this morning. He's such a sweetheart.
I like to think of the daybook entries as a writing prompt to spark one's own creativeness, rather than an exercise in formula-following. Now doesn't that sound better? Anyway, I enjoyed reading yours. Berries and cream sounds yummy! And enjoy those hugs.
I've seen this at Angie's blog, and I like it.
Lori, thanks for your prayers, too.
Your title is definitely much less cumbersome than:
The "(After All,) She's-No-Lady-and-not-always-wanting-to-be-such-an-extremely-'Busy Betty' Leisurely Woman's Daybook" !!??
—More Anonymity Needed—
(P.S. You need to start some kind of business[es]. The B&B sounds like the place to start. Then, the book shop off the profits from the B&B. Add in a little culinary arts kitchen/school, too (at the B&B or the book/reading shop). Become a published author. Your kids can join you in a "life skills" experience until they're on their own. So—family, school, church ministries, work, entrepreneur. Any young person like you could do that . . . with "leisure" time left over!!)
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