Monday, November 30, 2009
Leisurely Woman's Daybook

Saturday, November 28, 2009
Attitude Adjustment
Friday, November 27, 2009
My Boy, Grant
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The Necessary, The Luxurious, & The Mystical
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Wordsmith Wednesday
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Sociology of Starbucks 2
Monday, November 23, 2009
Leisurely Womans Daybook

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Wordsmith Wednesday

Bibendum's career as a public figure began in June when he starred as a cardboard cut-out, on the Michelin stand at the Paris Motor Show in the Tuileries Gardens, an imposing silhouette strategically placed to impress visitors. At his feet a phonograph broadcast a series of spoken messages, popular songs and operatic airs, interspersed with slogans vaunting the merits of Michelin tires. Visitors were hugely taken with the image of the cup of nails and shards of glass with which Bibendum quenched his inexhaustible thirst, the embodiment of a tire "gulping down obstacles", to the extent that for a while the rubber man was known as the "road drunkard."
At first the nail drinker had a variety of nicknames but had not been christened officially. This came about by a chance. A month later, that July competitor Léon Théry saw André Michelin driving up in his Panhard-Lavasseur to attend the Paris - Amsterdam - Paris race, and exclaimed "Hey, here comes Bibendum!" Michelin was so amused that he decided on the spot to appropriate the name for his publicity mascot.
Delighted by his mascot's growing popularity, André Michelin decided he would take the process a stage further at the Paris Cycle Show at the Champ de Mars that December. Bibendum would of course be present, but instead of using a phonograph, his voice would be produced by a fairground barker. He appointed one of his recent recruits, a young man called Patsy, to scout for the necessary talent, someone with the stentorian tones appropriate to such an imposing figure as the rubber man. Unaccustomed to head-hunting missions of this kind, Patsy's first idea was to stand around the Paris markets listening to the salesmen selling their wares. "Perfect Elocution" the boss had told him "Keen repartee.. Wit without vulgarity" A tall order indeed. After a days searching he still had nothing to show for his efforts.
Young Patsy was not one to be easily discouraged however and on reflection, he decided his best chance of finding the man he wanted lay in doing the rounds of cabarets currently flourishing following the success of Rodolphe Salis's Chat Noir cabaret. Night after night he combed the streets of Montmartre and the Latin quarter until one evening he found himself at the Cabaret du Ciel at 53 Boulevard de Clichy, watching an act by two comedians disguised as preachers. Just what he was looking for!
Since his conception in 1898, Bibendum has undergone many changes, he has lost a number of rubber rings, stopped smoking his cigar, changed his glasses, become less frightening, he has become fatter and then slimmer.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
ADHD Overdose?

Follow Me
Monday, November 16, 2009
Leisurely Woman's Daybook 18

I am reading...the 5th in the Binding of the Blade series...fantasy novels written by a teacher at my sons' school.

Friday, November 13, 2009
The Sociology of Starbucks 1
Thursday, November 12, 2009
What's That Stench? Part None
It Quite O'ercrows My Spirit
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Wordsmith Wednesday
gravity (adj) - seriousness; weightiness; importance
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Mom...Please Don't
Please tell me I don't need to feel ashamed about the hundreds of people who passed me today and did a double-take. I thought they were admiring "the look" when instead they could have been thinking what my son was thinking..."What was SHE thinking?" "Too old to pull that one off." "What planet is SHE from?" "Get a life, Lady."
The child apologized later in case he had offended, hurt or bothered me by his remarks. Sorry? Hmph. He's just looking for an invitation to the dinner table tonight. I know how they work, these kids.
At least now I know what to wear to his first wrestling match...
Leisurely Riesa's Daybook
Around the house...It is highly imperative that my calculator and clock remain "in sync" at all times. OCD? What's that?
I am thinking...that Lori is my good sweet girl.
I am hearing...Episode # 3 of "I Love Lucy"...for the 95th time in a week. Hey...funny is funny, ya know?!

I am thankful for...Mother-Grandma-Shirley.
Monday, November 9, 2009
One Voice
I suggest that the "alien motives of musical technique" - otherwise known as HARMONY - by its very name decries Bonhoeffer's argument. Granted, if harmonizing is done primarily as a performance or to draw attention to oneself, it can detract from the experience of lifting "one voice" in praise to God, but that can be equally true of a showy or overpowering voice singing melody along with everyone else, can it not?
NOTE: For all you members of the Tuesday morning men's book study, who, either against or in concert with your own will, have become avid readers of my blog, I recommend you refrain from fronting these ideas tomorrow. Your fellow members will call you out for espousing my thoughts as your own. :-)
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Generation Y

This image cracked me up (no pun intended)...and has stuck with me since I first saw it. I found it so fitting that I have a playlist on my i-Pod titled "Generation Y." It's music to which my teenage boys have introduced me and to which I actually enjoy listening!
I will occasionally share some of their music with you, so you too can be enlightened by Generation Y! DISCLAIMER: anytime I recommend a particular SONG, it doesn't indicate a whole-hearted endorsement of that particular artist, his lifestyle or his philosophy of life.
Here's the first of many to come: Jack Johnson singing Banana Pancakes
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Wordsmith Wednesdays
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
For Want of Wit: 7
Did I mention I was in a hurry? I sewed the card shut.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Leisurely Woman's Daybook 17