Around the house...It is highly imperative that my calculator and clock remain "in sync" at all times. OCD? What's that?
A favorite thing...I am is exceedingly fond of my walker. If you inadvertently touch it, I might inadvertently "cut your fat head off."
I am thinking...that Lori is my good sweet girl.
I am hearing...Episode # 3 of "I Love Lucy"...for the 95th time in a week. Hey...funny is funny, ya know?!
I am Bible. Almost every night I climb in bed and "read" a while before turning out my lights.
I am creating...a book full of uncipherable data, which the workers at my "school" believe are the coded observations of a government spy.

I am thankful for...Mother-Grandma-Shirley.
Plans for my week..."she's not be bossy anybody anymore!"
A photo/video I'm with my friend, Debbie, at the Whitaker Music Festival.
Thanks Riesa for sharing your daybook with us. I enjoyed your insights into the world. Joanie
I laughed then laughed again...
Really?...Who gave her the binocculars? That's JUST wrong...LOL...I love it!!!I couldn't believe what I was seeing so i took a second look, do the neighbors know?? LOL!!
She actually has a COLLECTION of binoculars! Nice ones, too! Grandma gets them for her...and I hope the neighbors don't know! When Riesa looks out the window with these, which is quite often, she usually talks about the clouds, sun, stars, etc. So hopefully she's not REALLY looking in the neighbors windows! Hee hee...
the notebook is intriguing; i see the word "blue" repeated a lot on that page
Loved it! Can't wait to get a hug and a "that's my girl" from Reisa! Thanks for sharing!
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