Thursday, March 17, 2011

For Want of Wit

Last Wednesday, I went to my beautician-friend and had 5" cut off my overgrown mop.  That cut was looong overdue and I felt much better...and about 7 pounds lighter too.

But I have this habit...which is somewhat disturbing to my very gracious beautician-friend.  Every now and then, I feel the need to cut my OWN hair.  Just occasionally, you know.

Well...I had one of those occasions a couple days later when I decided that my bangs needed to be slightly more thinned out than they were.  No problem there.  I do this ALL THE TIME...well, occasionally all the time...but I know what I'm doing, so it's all good.

I confidently reached into my drawer and pulled out my thinning shears (yes, I own my very own thinning never knows when one might have an OCCASION), properly positioned them exactly in the right spot...let's see, should I start 1/2" up or a full inch up for my first cut?  Thankfully I went with 1/2"...b/c I took my swipe and WAH-LAH!!  Instant panic!!  "Oh no!  Oh no!  I did NOT just do that!!  Oh no!  Oh no!" 

You see, I had actually picked up the REGULAR hair scissors and promptly lopped off 1/2" of my a lovely straight line.  Oops.  So much for the graceful sweep across the forehead.  And now...I have little girl bangs.  Not that there's anything wrong with that.  If that's what you WANT, rather than the result of a mere act of personal stupidity!! 



So, there.  I've done it again.  And maybe it was a little more than half an inch...but hey...I was running low on material (you believe that?) it all works out in the end, ya know?!   


Randy S. said...

Those old bangs were obviously way too long anyway..... ;-))))

Oriana said...

wow. I did more or less the same thing about a week ago. I was tired of this one little stand of hair always falling in my eye, so hey! why not cut it of? But... my hair does what it wants to do, and that little stand likes to curve up at the bottom, but I pulled it down straight and cut right on level with my eyebrow. Perfect! But when I let it go, it immediately curved up into a tiny curl. Oops! Couldn't have that. So I decided to shake things up a bit and now I have bangs, and you can't see my little mistake. Now when I put my hair in a ponytail, I look just like my mom. :)

Oriana said...

And for the record, I think your bangs are cute.

Lori Waggoner said...


Oriana...I'm gonna be checking out your new style on Sunday!