Monday, March 21, 2011

For Want of Wit

What?!  Another "Stupid Things I've Done" post so soon? you ask.  Why yes.  Apparently I have this innate desire to do stupid things so others can feel better about themselves and their lives.  And so...I document it for you.  Well...only SOME of it.

Earlier today, I glanced at the clock and realized it was 3:27, so I hurried to my car and rushed over to pick up my son, Eric, from his 3:30 carpool.  Now, on most Mondays, that would be a GOOD means  I haven't forgotten him altogether.  Today, however, it may have proven that once and for all I have fallen over that edge near which I have been tottering for some time now. 

You son, Eric, was not at school today.  Instead, he was hanging out here:

On Spring Break in San Francisco.

Yeah...I knew that.


terri adams said...

This makes me love you even more!

Lori Waggoner said...

Ha! Because it makes you look sane and together!! (not that I don't believe you ARE...)

Randy S. said...

This IS funny! BTW, great pic at the Golden Gate bridge. Did you know I lived in the SF Bay area for 5 years?

Lori Waggoner said...

I did NOT know that, Randy. I absolutely love SF. Granted, I've never lived there...but I think I COULD! Did you like it?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back to blogging. I am feeling really good after catching up with your blog. Yes, after reading this one, I feel really good. I hope you laugh at yourself since we all are ;-) It just so happens that I do silly things--I just don't tell everybody about it--just my girls. We call it "the blond moment" sharing. Joanie

Lori Waggoner said...

So glad I could contribute to your recovery as well as your sense of well-being. Since I'm a natural blonde, I don't find blonde jokes funny.