Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Answering Injustice Part 3: Imitating Christ

Why all this talk about "letting go" of personal injustice and fostering humility?  The Lord loves justice, doesn't he?  Why do I insist on the need for us to look in the mirror and to let others "off the hook?"   Every single one of the actions I have suggested we take in order to combat bitterness and cultivate humility, demand that I continually reorient myself to Who I Am...a sinner, fallen, broken, saved by grace.  And I must reorient myself to Who God Is...the longsuffering and merciful One who is perpetually reconciling enemies to himself. 

If I belong to God in Christ - if I am a true disciple - then I am to follow him, which means to live as he lived.  I don't have to think long or hard to recognize how very many injustices he endured that he never earned.  And yet, he went like a sheep to the slaughter.  WHY?  

He left the glory that was fitting for him...he became what we are...he poured himself out...and for that he was unjustly condemned TO THE POINT OF DEATH.  The truly amazing thing is, I often refrain from fighting personal injustice only because I know I am powerless to affect a just outcome.  But HE...he had the power to subdue, to snuff out the injustice!  He could have "set everything to rights" in a moment...laid his enemies at his feet with a word.  But he didn't.  He endured.  WHY?  

For the life of the world. He did it so that I might be rescued.  So that you might be rescued.  So that all his and my enemies might be rescued.  

How was he able to do this?  Because he is the full embodiment of Love and Humility.  He desired our good and was therefore willing to endure injustice, to subject himself to the pains of death and hell, and to trust that the Father would raise him up as he had promised...all so he could redeem and bless us, his people.  

Is the servant greater than his master?  Should I, a guilty party, expect that I will never be falsely accused, unjustly condemned, or thoughtlessly disregarded when the one who carried NO GUILT and who obeyed the Father perfectly, endured injustice and suffering beyond what I ever will?   

I must remember whose I am and imitate him.  He endured for the redemption of others.  I am called to do the same.  Will I choose pride instead?  Will I decide that I deserve better than he?  

May he grant you and me the desire and the strength to let go of personal injustice and serve in Love and Humility those who despitefully use us so that we may "fill up the sufferings of Christ" FOR THE LIFE OF THE WORLD.

And that's about all I have to say about that.

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