Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Riesa's Christmas Wish List
Monday, November 17, 2008
What I've Done Right
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Orange Man

Even his fingernails were bright orange.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My Firstborn

Grant Ford Shaffer entered this world at 11:42 PM on November 15, 1993. I can't say I was particularly overjoyed at his arrival. Not only had the previous 6 months proven difficult, that day had been long and miserable, refusing to follow the scenario I had scripted long before, nor had it proven the idyllic scene of my first child's birth that I always imagined. There was no instant bonding. What do you mean do I want to nurse him? Uh...only if I have to! I really just want to be left sleep...and to stop being poked, prodded and otherwise irritated by this "noisome pestilence" of healthcare professionals! Leave me...please, just leave me...and take that thing with you when you go.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Freaky Fact of the Day
Thursday, November 13, 2008
In Defense of Latin - Again
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Crimes & Misdemeanors
Monday, November 10, 2008
Teddy's Taxidermy
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Poetic Prose
Friday, November 7, 2008
Chesterton on Education
Thursday, November 6, 2008
So You Had a Bad Day
So You Had a Bad Day, 2
"Any idea why they didn't give you 30-day dealer tags?"
So You Had a Bad Day, 3
"What for? What is it that I'm meant to have done?" (Broadway line there...anyone?)
"No, sir, I'm one of those rare HONEST people who tell the truth about my weight on my license." (O-K, I didn't say THAT...I just told him the actual weight listed on my license, which quite frankly, is none of YOUR business!!)
As he turns around and pulls past me, he stops. I roll down my window. "It just came up on the computer here...this incident was in 1992. The name on the check was Lori Waggoner."
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
What Might Be & What IS
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Fearful & Hideous Monster
But obviously, she wasn't all fashion and flirtation! Dorothy's propensity for writing manifested itself early in her life. Even her letters to friends are raucous, thoughtful, intelligent and present fascinating accounts of her inner life. Early studies in Latin contributed to her skillful use of words, while a doting father and the hearty literary education he provided promoted her lively and creative outlook on life.
Lord Peter's income (the source of which, by the way, I have never investigated)...I deliberately gave him...Afterall, it cost me nothing and at the time it gave me pleasure to spend his fortune for him. When I was dissatisfied with my single unfurnished room, I took a luxurious flat for him in Picadilly. When my cheap rug got a hole in it, I ordered him an Aubusson carpet. When I had no money to pay my bus fare, I presented him with a Daimler double-six upholstered in a style of sober magnificence, and when I felt dull, I let him drive it. I can heartily recommend this inexpensive way of furnishing to all who are discontented with their income. It relieves the mind and does no harm to the body.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Classical Education: The Pitfalls