After being reprimanded for not wearing the appropriate OSHA vest while on the job one day, my brother, Jeffrey, showed up like THIS the following day:

Even his fingernails were bright orange.
That spunky spirit hasn't left him, but it seems to me that his days bring a mixture of pain, hope, sadness, cheer, confusion, doubt, and laughter. He wants to live. He wants to watch his children grow up. He wants to work again.
He has just finished his 2nd round of radiation - this time for the tumor near his heart and one on his low back - while the second round of chemo continues.
The first round left him with the radiated tumors smaller (right femur bone and left breast), while the one near the heart was enlarged and a new one appeared in his back. The rest of the tumors - in the liver, kidney, bones, etc. - remained unchanged.
This week has been difficult with vomiting, a metallic taste in his mouth and constant chills. He's a sweet, often quiet and humble man who just doesn't complain.
Please pray for him, body, soul and spirit.
We are still praying for him. I think it is especially sweet when the boys get used to praying for someone. Even Riley (age 2) prays "God, Tumor head. Amen." I know God hears that and it is an encouragement to us adults too.
Thank you, Brandy. That really is precious...and the simple faith of our little ones is a good example, isn't it?
Tomorrow's post if for you, btw. It's not much, but it's all I've got!
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