That anyone as seemingly far removed from the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Madonna could produce something beautiful and true, is surely evidence for the indelible image of God in mankind and his continuing grace even to those who ridicule him and his people.
To what product of Madonna's am I referring? Well, certainly not to any of her songs, videos, fashions or concerts, which my limited exposure tells me are classic expressions of creative energy from one who worships and serves the creature rather than the Creator. But I have found one exception among her creations - one of three children's books she had published several years ago, entitled Mr. Peabody's Apples.

In this rendition of a traditional folktale, a child misinterprets an event he observes and disseminates a rumor which permeates the entire town, ruining the reputation of an otherwise reputable man. The story compares gossip to shaking the contents of a feather pillow into the wind...we can never retrieve all the feathers, no matter how hard we try.
Not only are the illustrations simultaneously whimsical and beautiful, the story, however unintentionally by Madonna, perfectly echoes the Biblical truths of Proverbs and James. That tiny little thing we call the tongue is a fire and can cause widespread damage in a hurry! A fool will tell a tale before he really finds out the matter and his words are like the thrusts of a sword! The fact that Madonna commissioned and profits from the sale of the book does not diminish its truth value!
So, I say YES! Something good has come from Madonna and we don't have to be afraid to admit it!
"Rumor has it" that you've been CORRECT before!
[I tend to strongly believe that "rumor," while I continue to "find out the matter" in support of its veracity.] /;>)
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