From the kitchen...I made eggs the Julia Childs' way this morning. "Chef Bugnard cracked two eggs and added a dash of salt and pepper, 'Like this,' he said, gently blending the yolks and whites together with a fork. Not too much. He smeared the bottom and sides of a frying pan with butter, then gently poured the eggs in. Keeping the heat low, he stared intently at the pan. Nothing happened. After a long three minutes, the eggs began to thicken into a custard. Stirring rapidly with the fork, sliding the pan off and on the burner, Bugnard gently pulled the egg curds together - 'Keep them a little bit loose, this is very important,' he instructed. 'Now the cream or butter,' he said [I used 1 T. of each!] looking at me with raised eyebrows. 'This will stop the cooking, you see?' His eggs were always perfect." Let me tell you...they were decadent! So much so that I could only eat 1/2!!
Around the house...cleaning and organizing the boys' rooms, closets, drawers, washing quilts, curtains, etc.
A favorite thing...my i-Pod. 5000 songs at my fingertips everywhere I go. You just can't beat that.
I am hearing...Guy Clark and Emmylou Harris.
I am thankful that...God gave me sons instead of the daughters I thought I wanted. He knew what I needed. Imagine that.
Plans for my week...deep clean in preparation for weekend company...Parent/Teacher conferences on Thursday...Guy Clark concert on Friday night...Oktoberfest at Growlers on Saturday...celebrate Daddy's 67th birthday at my house on Sunday.
So, what is Oktoberfest at Growlers?......music??? What about that BIG Jacuzzi tub they have sitting there, should you bring a babin-suit?? LOL
Ah, Emmylou. One of my all-time favorite albums way back when was Pieces of the Sky. Here's a great song from that album: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61KH3JC1tFM. (that looks like Vince Gill on the mandolin)
That was great, Rhonda! I agree that it looks like Gill. He's in some of the Guy Clark videos too, so he must be in with that crowd. I always thought of him as more pop country than folksy/bluegrassy...guess I'll have to check it out further!
Thanks for sharing!
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