I received some cash for my birthday and I can not decide what to do with it. Because I want too many things, I am:
Not to mention Wishy-washy. Yep...that's me.
Here are the options under consideration:
1. Save it to put toward my first ever laptop - preferably a MacBook Air
2. Go skydiving.
3. Purchase all the books in my Amazon cart, which are:
NT Wright
Small Faith -- Great God
Scripture and the Authority of God
Peter Leithart
Deep Exegesis
Against Christianity
Henri J. M. Nouwen
The Return of the Prodigal Son
Miroslav Volf
Free of Charge: Giving and Forgiving in a Culture Stripped of Grace
Mark Horne
JRR Tolkien
C.S. Lewis
On Stories
The Discarded Image
An Experiment in Criticism
Studies in Words
God in the Dock
The Weight of Glory
The Abolition of Man
The Great Divorce
Eugene Peterson
The Pastor: A Memoir
Practice Resurrection
4. Hang on to it and spend it slowly on favorite music and concerts.
5. Go away for 2 weeks and start writing one of the books I keep saying I'm gonna write.
What to do...
If you are anywhere close to being able to start writing this book (aka ideas/specific sentences forming in your mind), definitely start putting it down before it slips to the dark recesses and irretrievable corners of your consciousness! However.... If you just have vague ideas and aren't quite ready to write it all down... I'd say you should spend it slowly on music. Or go skydiving.
Maybe you have enough to get a refurbished MacBook Air? If not, I'd recommend spending it slowly on music. But that's just me.
Well, let me see. If you are going to write a book you need a computer. So save for your Mac. Books are so wonderful but can be acquired a little easier and are less expensive. Just ask for money for every holiday/birthday/anniversary--at least your half--and keep that Mac fund alive. So for your birthday I want to give you a new copy of Peter Leithart's book Against Christianity. Oh, and you are the "Woman of the Week". Congrats!! Joanie
Oriana, you made me laugh. There is a great risk of ideas slipping forever into the dark recesses of my mind!! So I better make hay while the sun shines, huh?
I think I like the way Joanie is thinking. I need the laptop to write the book (although I am very much a paper writer still...), but books and music can be accumulated over time when I have 10-15 bucks here and there.
Shoot. If I stopped buying clothes, I could afford all the books and music I want, couldn't I? But the ONLY way to get the Mac is to have a chunk of change. Hmmm.
Thanks for your input, girls. :-)
Oh...and Joanie...seriously on the book??? Many, many thanks, my dear.
Annie, I don't suppose you know anyone who could help me make a wise choice on a refurbished Mac?
Seriously about the book. I bought 2 so you can have the other unmarked one. Joanie
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