Sunday, March 29, 2009

Why Do I Even Bother?

About a month ago I decided that my "low-carb lifestyle" is not going to help me lose anymore weight (or that 1 pound every 4-6 weeks isn't good enough), so I began walking 3 miles every day to see if I can shed another 10-15 pounds from this aging body.

As expected, my bum-hip flared up badly, so I started popping some serious meds to get through the walk (6 Advil + 2 XStrength Excedrine). That worked. I was starting to feel pretty strong after just a couple weeks, so I began to run a mile or so of my route (Maggie will be so proud, I thought!). My hip hurt less when I ran, but pounding the pavement caused some serious problems in my upper spine...been there before too. I'll just stretch more and get through it. Or not. I kept running all this last week in Gulf Shores and my neck/back continued to get worse. Aaargh.

So...we returned from vacation today and I decided I better stick with walking until I can figure out this back thing. I took off on my walk...the same route I've been walking from the beginning...just minding my own business...lost in thought...and I bit it. Oh, yeah. I totally tripped on the uneven sidewalk, which I had managed to successfully negotiate 25 times previously. I broke the fall with both hands and both knees, but my momentum...or maybe my clumsiness...carried me forward onto my forehead as well. I sat up quickly hoping like crazy that all the cars driving by would just keep on going. They did. Scumbags.

C'mon, though. How lucky am I? How good would it be if none of my battlescars showed? I'm all about the attention (or so I've been told). I can't wait to answer the question, "Ooohh...what happened to your forehead?" " see...I was uh...walking. Yeah...I was walking. And I...uh...fell on my head." Oi-vay.

Maybe...just maybe I should give up and be content? Nah.


Abby said...

Oh no! Lori! Bless your heart! I fell running in our neighborhood a few years ago. I twisted my ankle on one of those sweet gum balls and fell in the street where there is so much tiny gravel to imbed itself into elbows and knees. I feel your pain! I think it hurts so much worse to skin knees as adults! And it was so shameful to limp the half mile home with blood dripping down my leg! I too was in disbelief that no one stopped to make sure I was okay or offer me a ride! Anyway, I'm sorry you got your forehead too! That looks like it would be the worst. And then to have people asking you about it everywhere you go... But I bet you'll be surprised how many people have done something similar!

Anonymous said...

Yep. Been there, done that. Try riding a bike with skinny tires and having one of your kids cut across in front and clip the tire out from under you. CRASH . . . BOOM!! Cell phone on my side saved my life that day. It took the brunt of the fall, although I still had some nasty asphalt ("not my 'phalt, of course) scrapes!

At least you haven't "fallen, and (you) can't get upppp!"


Anonymous said...

I empathize with you. There are way too many of us who have had similar bumps and abrasions. We just don't advertise it to the world. Only a few close friends know. Joanie

annie said...

yik....I'm sorry about your bumps, etc. Maybe a recumbent bike? Maybe swimming? (These suggestions of course come from someone who never exercises...)

Debbie said...

I did not know it happened on Monday! You did a good job of concealing your boo boo on your eyelid! OUCH!

Lori Waggoner said...

Actually it happened Sunday evening and when you saw me Monday night, the eyelid wasn't discolored's IMPOSSIBLE to hide! You'll see it Friday night for sure. It's even bigger and darker today.

Lori Waggoner said...

By the way, you all are so sweet to sympathize with my continuing stupidity!

Annie - I never know if you're Annie B. or Annie H. But I would think only a PT would say "recumbent bike" but I would also think a PT, who is also the skinny mom of 4, would have to exercise! If you're Annie B. though, the link should take me to your blog and it doesn't. Hmmm....

Abby - was that in the Gulf Drive neighborhood? And no one helped you? Doesn't everybody know everybody? Maybe people think it's less embarrassing if they act like they didn't see. And I think it's funny that you think the scrapes hurt worse when we're older!! I think we've just forgotten how badly they hurt! I'll certainly be more sympathetic next time Julian doesn't want to put his scraped knee in the bathwater!

"Not my 'phalt" - that has to be Robert speaking!

annie said...

Hey, Lori, the Annie was me, Annie B. I don't know how to point my blogger I.D. to my blog -- how pathetic is that? :)

Lori Waggoner said...

Well, Annie, I wouldn't know how either...mine just automatically connected the 2 through my e-mail address. I think. But thanks for letting me know it YOU!