Tuesday, May 5, 2009

For Want of Wit: 4

A former teacher of mine recently found me on Facebook and friended me...in spite of more than one smart-alek trick I played on her in Junior High. I really was a pretty obedient and cooperative kid, but I've always felt this driving desire to make others laugh, plus I've been sarcastic to the core for as long as I can remember. Not a great combination.

Mrs. Keifer was my Jr. High English teacher. We spent some time in this class memorizing a list of prepositions which we chanted aloud together. One day, to keep us from boredom and change things up a bit, she had us march around the perimeter of the room while we were chanting. Her first mistake was putting me at the front of the line, where I proceeded to plot and scheme...not a malicious scheme, but one designed to elicit a few laughs, of course. As everyone followed me around the room chanting enthusiastically, "aboard, about, above, around, behind, below, beneath, beside..." I very nonchalantly led us all out of the classroom and into the hallway...still marching...still chanting. Apparently, she didn't think it was as funny as I did. I ended up in the principal's office.



Michelle Paulson said...

I think I remember this. LOL. How is Mrs. K? Do you remember when I said Mr.Vogel's first name and he pretended to give me a swat for each letter of his name. Ray Taylor was thrilled.

Lori Waggoner said...

Michelle, you should reconnect with Mrs. K on FB! I had forgotten about the "TOM" incident...too funny! Of course Ray would be thrilled! Ha! And to think that this was the epitome of our misbehavior...innocent kids that we were!

You know, all I really wanted to do was to make John Clement think I was a "bad" girl so maybe he would like me. (Well, OK..not BAD, but not goody-two-shoes! It didn't work...)