Monday, November 22, 2010

Do You Believe in Miracles?

Yeah...I didn't either.  Until now.  I think one has happened to me. 

Back in October, I discovered this website which lists the holidays for every month.  I was more than a little surprised and quite entertained by the lengthy list.   All manner of sarcastic thoughts sprang immediately to mind, so I decided to have a little fun with it on my blog...for one month.  Not only would it be potentially entertaining for all 5 of my loyal readers, it provided ready-made material for a whole month!  I wouldn't have to labor and think and read and try to come up with something profound to say.

Much to my chagrin, I only made it to the 18th before...get this (herein lies the miracle)...I got tired of being sarcastic.  Seriously!  It frightens me a bit.  Perhaps I'm getting all soft and sensitive in my old age?  Nah.  But surely this is a portent of something...something dreadful.

Now, I don't suppose this is a permanent state of mind because I didn't actually run out of sarcastic things to say, and I fully expect to resume my smart-alek commentary on life at some point - tomorrow perhaps - but apparently even I need a break from it every now and then.

Just so you know, I am bypassing the opportunity to shed light on, International Men's Day (boy did I have some ideas for THIS one!), World Television Day, and World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.  I willingly pass the sarcasm torch to any of you who may wish to take it up in my stead.

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