Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Wordsmith Wednesday

A Google search tells me that, according to the Oxford Dictionary, "good" wins the prize for the English word with the most synonyms at 380.   Here are just a few:

adequate, acceptable, worthy, fine, excellent, choice, commendable, prime, select, sufficient, beneficial, reputable, recommended, effective...

Good as in MORAL:
virtuous, righteous, wholesome, honorable, upright, conscientious, exemplary, respectable, noble, chaste...

Good as in KIND:
humane, benevolent, sympathetic, compassionate, charitable, altruistic, merciful...

Good as in WELL-BEHAVED:
mannerly, respectful, polite, considerate, proper, becoming, correct...

Good as in UNSPOILED:
fresh, untainted, uncontaminated, fit, sound...

Good as in SKILLED:
able, proficient, accomplished, competent, adept, capable, qualified, talented...

substantial, sizable, extensive, ample... 

Good as in GENUINE:
authentic, valid, true, sound...

Good as in PLEASANT:
enjoyable, desirable...

These comprise less than one-third of possible synonyms!  Is there ever a GOOD reason to even use the word GOOD when so many GOOD synonyms exist??!!  I think not!

1 comment:

Randy S. said...

Oh,you are soooo goooood! Now, figure out which of the meanings it is.... !!