I love to cook. (And I love to eat, but that's beside the point!) I have dreamed for years of publishing a cookbook of my own recipes, complete with fabulous photos. I have participated heavily in the production of 2 cookbooks already (for church and school) and each one contained a disproportionate number of my recipes...not all unique to me, granted. But I am a perpetual experimenter in the kitchen, so I have a fairly large stockpile of original recipes that I could legitimately publish.
Several companies exist whose sole purpose is to publish private cookbooks, making this the least ambitious of my dreams. I simply haven't taken the time to make it happen. As an alternative, I've considered creating a website, which would be easier to do and could be built gradually over time rather than all at once. I facetiously desgined a logo for it a couple years ago when a "friend" at Bible Study made fun of me for bringing Carmelized Pear Butter to accompany the bread I was serving. She also receives credit for the name. I think it fits...what do you think?

You'd buy my cookbook, wouldn't you? Really? Or would you be more inclined to visit a website? Then again, I could just keep incorporating the recipes into my blog, now couldn't I? I think I'll take the easy road on this one...for now anyway.
The fine print:
Why settle for the mediocrity of "Good Things"?
For the "BEST Things" visit SnootyCook.com TODAY!
Graciously underwritten by the Horne Foundation (oops! Did I just "out" you, Jennifer? So sorry...)
I would buy your cookbook AND visit your website. That's the kind of gal I am. Really, you should think about doing this in some fashion. When I pick a recipe from our old Providence cookbook and you are credited for it, I know it will be good. Oh,and adding the Horne name to it would give it gravitas.
You don't want that kind of gravitas ;)
I would read your website and buy the cookbook. I might have to just stick to the easiest recipes in the book, though.
So...I'll publish 2 copies. Thanks, girls.
Err, um, Lori, you want to spell it "palate" in this situation.
Sorry for my uncontrollable urge to correct spelling. :)
Rachel...how utterly humiliating! You're so right...I never noticed I had done that. Sheesh. And I can't correct it either...oh well.
Btw, your family is known to publicly highlight my errors on a regular basis. It's good for me. I would expect nothing less from you, dear!
I would buy one Lori, so that makes 3. Rich would LOVE one. I'm terrible at following directions BUT he loves creative cooking!! I remember the woven "bread" basket you made.......Very impressive!!
Website of course, but only if you change to a different host and use printable recipes and really good photos and clear instructions and cheap ingredients and it doesn't make my kitchen smell like something died and you never use arugula or for Clay's sake cilantro. Thank you and goodnight. Oh, and never have any typos or misspellings. Thanks and have a great life.
Wow. I thought I was demanding...!
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