Actually, I have a lot of dreams...grandiose visions of things I'd love to do in this life. Some would bring a sense of great accomplishment, some would leave behind a great benefit for Christ's church, while others would be for the sheer delight of doing them. Unfortunately, this little thing called "life" has a way of standing betweeen me and the fulfillment of these dreams. The Christian Reality of here and now requires that I live a life of service that tends to fill up my time. I'm gonna share those dreams anyway because I do hold out hope that an eternity in the new heavens and new earth, might allow me the opportunity to fulfill some of them!!
I regularly pass this building, which I have dreamt of buying and renovating! It's a mere $625,000...I mean really! That's a steal for property in Sunset Hills...and the building is marked as an Historical Landmark, which means there should be funds available for renovation...which I imagine would take a mere $2-3,000,000!! The bones of the building are awesome! And, looking in the broken windows, the entryway, at least, retains a great deal of character!

My imagination goes wild! I can see it fulfilling a number of purposes. My first choice (I think) would be to open a classical grammar school, even though that brings with it number of very difficult tasks and some serious long-term labor. Of course, my hope would be that it would also provide long-term benefits for Christendom!
I can also see it being transformed into a Christian Literary Institute. Imagine this place beautified inside and out (stone, marble, woodwork, English garden). People come to stay for a couple weeks at a time to complete studies in classic literature from a Christian worldview...Austen, Hugo, Tolkien, Lewis, Twain, etc.
I can also see it being transformed into a Christian Literary Institute. Imagine this place beautified inside and out (stone, marble, woodwork, English garden). People come to stay for a couple weeks at a time to complete studies in classic literature from a Christian worldview...Austen, Hugo, Tolkien, Lewis, Twain, etc.
Or what about a bed and breakfast with wine tastings and mystery dinners? The nature of this building lends itself to all sorts of possibilities. I can even see it as a home...a LARGE home whose occupants must extend hospitality to all sorts of people in need.
So there you have it...dream #1. Buy, renovate and share this glorious building!
That is the old Rott School on Rott road,it's so wierd that you found this building...For years I have drivin by it and had the same type dreams for it,I had no idea it was for sale,and that IS a sale,or as you put it a I would very much like to be a part of whatever I could with,May we could could name it the Jeffery "REX" Waggoner building of... what ever we make it,and I love your Ideas. Let me know Lori,I'll help..
Wow! $625,000 would buy a 1,000 sq ft. house here in Hawaii...$525,000 if it's tear-down quality.
Yes, Darryl! It IS the old Rott School! You know, the reason it's a dream, though, is that I don't have the resources to do what needs to be done! I could probably come up with the money to buy the place, but not to transform it into something glorious! But hey...if by some good fortune I come into it...I'd be happy to have you help!! ;-)
Erin - I know! It's absolutely crazy! I don't know how folks LIVE in Southern CA, much less HAWAII with those kinds of prices! Ridiculous! The thing is...this building comes with at least a couple acres (maybe 6?), which is UNHEARD OF in Sunset Hills!
I love your dream :)
I love that building too and of course have had the same exact dream, of the classical grammar school that is, although the bed and breakfast sounds great.
Thanks for sharing your dream. Dream BIG!. I would think that that is the stuff made for God's work done here on earth. I want to drive by the building in my truck--not quite the same as a Harley, but good enough for me. Joanie
Laura, has the building been for sale since you were here? I never saw it until about 2 months ago. Now I can't stop thinking about it!
Joanie, if I had a truck, I'd drive by in it too, dear. Thanks for encouraging me to keep dreaming. It doesn't really get me anywhere or accomplish anything, but who knows? Maybe ONE DAY, ONE of my dreams might actually come true! ;-)
Perfect,I don't have the money,but do have that skill of taking something old,and not making it new...just better and more functional.It would be an awesome task..let me know, Darryl
"A classical grammer school" Oh, I do need one of those PLEASE!! Could I bring my dog for show and tell?? BUT, seriously...what a great idea.
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