Outside my window...Fall has arrived in all its splendor. There is nothing quite like the sights, sounds, and smells of a cold sunny morning in fall. One's spirits can't help but lift.
From the kitchen...time to make the year's first batch of chili. Hmm...do I resort to an old favorite recipe or make up something new and different? How about something new and different?! If I like the way it turns out, I'll share the "recipe."
Around the house...I actually found (per last week's post) a comforter that I really like for my bed. Now before I decide whether or not to keep it, I have to shop for fabric...for two reasons. First: a single European sham costs $50!!!!! Did you hear that???!! $50 for a pillow cover!! That is nothing short of ridiculous! Second: though I like things to coordinate, I'm not into the matchy-matchy look so I want to make my own pillows, shams, curtains, etc. I prefer to use 5-6 different patterns and textures that work together, but look like they were gathered randomly over time.
A favorite thing...my laundry chute. Do you have one of those? Those have to be one of the most awesome inventions EVER. I know. There's no great technological or engineering feat behind it, but it's so cool that my boys can shove their dirty clothes into a hole in the floor and have them end up 2 floors down in my laundry room. Of course, this assumes they actually put the clothes IN THE HOLE rather than pile them NEXT TO THE HOLE...which they are inclined to do. I mean...how really difficult is it to give that extra little kick to get those boxers into the hole? It doesn't even require the energy of bending over...a simple swipe of the foot would do it, you know? They're delightful, those boys. But I still really like my laundry chute!
I am thinking...that walking 3 miles in 38 degrees when the sun is barely up, is a remarkably head-clearing way to begin the day...or the week for that matter!
I am wearing...RYKA Radiant running shoes.
I am hearing...Nat King Cole: When I Fall in Love - I'm partial to his whole Love Songs album. Horrifyingly and wonderfully schmaltzy stuff!
I am reading....Harry Potter's Bookshelf...in which author, John Granger, highlights connections in Rowling's series to great literary works from ages past. A birthday present which I am just now getting around to reading.
I am thankful...that missionary friends in the Phillipines, Kim & John Piet and their orphans, were spared any serious trouble from typhoon Parma.
Plans for my week...make appointments with the optometrist, orthopaedist and dentist. Tracy and Courtney will be so proud of me...if I actually DO it, that is!
A photo/video I am sharing...I'm hoping to see a repeat of this scene a few weeks from now. A World Series parade in the midst of a red sea! Go Cards!

1 comment:
I grew up in an Old Victorian Home that had Laundry shoots with tubes big enough for us girls to slide down, I was very young and SMALL, they were the best....good memories! LOVE Fall!! Not being a baseball buff, that pic is amazing, never knew......
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