From the kitchen...time for Thai spices and a pot of Red Curry Bisque.
Around the house...Remember that comforter I found and loved last week? Well...I just can't bring myself to keep it. First of all, it is king-size and made of very high quality/heavy fabric, which means it cannot fit in my washing machine. You might also remember that one of my great joys in life is fresh, clean linens. For me, the only way to achieve that is by washing them with soap and water!!! So. I think this is not a practical decision for me. Back to square one. Find something beautiful, tasteful, warm-ish, and small enough to bathe...the hunt begins. Again.
A favorite thing...our church's annual Harvest Party. Tons of fun, food and frivolity in the backwoods of freakin' Eureka (see, Ros...I love Eureka AND Ladue!).
I am thinking...that I need to stop dreaming and start DOING!
I am wearing...bright pink fingernail polish, the color of raspberry sherbert. Is that OK to do when you're 40ish?
I am creating...a set of quilted cards. Sound odd? I'll show you when I'm finished.
Plans for my week...um...same as last week. Cause...I...um...never DID any of that stuff I said I was gonna do.
A photo/video I am sharing...the last time my boys dressed up for the Harvest Party in 2006.

Okay.....So why do your boys look "tamatized"? Eric has a semi-smile, like hurry up and take the pic PLEASE...But Grant...ummm, could it be the eye liner?? LOL...just messin with ya!!
They just don't like having their picture taken, uncooperative little brats! Actually, I think Grant was trying to look like a tough guy and just didn't quite pull it off. Eric was attempting to smile? FAIL. I remember thinking when I saw Grant in his wig and eye make-up that he's kinda PRETTY! Don't you DARE tell him I said so, though!
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