Outside my window...the third consecutive day of sunshine is causing the side effects of S.A.D. to dissipate. Finally.
From the kitchen...sweet & spicy tuna. Yum.
Around the house...there are extra people here today. I do believe our family has entered the all-dreaded "Swine Flu" zone. Son # 2 has been quite ill for 3 days now. I just hope it makes the rounds quickly and skips Aunt Riesa altogether! It's NASTY!
A favorite thing...hanging with friends around the firepit night after fall night. At home, church, MK's...
I am thinking...that I should let Riesa watch me exercise more often! Today as I was going through my routine, she sat contentedly in her chair chanting, "Keep going...keep going...keep going...!!!" Or, "Higher...higher...higher!" Of course, her cheerleading was more of a hindrance than a help because physical exertion and laughter don't mix!
I am wearing...a new pair of earrings, handcrafted by my friend, Tracy.
I am hearing...Miles Davis - Love Songs: I Fall in Love Too Easily.
I am reading...Bonhoeffer's Life Together.
I am creating...I finished creating the quilted card set I mentioned last week and have begun working on more cards. A couple samples below:
I am thankful...for many faithful Christian girlfriends who have flocked to my side, encouraging and upholding me in a time of weakness and trial.
Plans for my week...bridal shower on Monday, lunch on Tuesday, Bible study, coffee and firepit time on Thursday...Joe Bonamassa at The Pageant on Sunday...
A photo/video I'm sharing...this is the kind pictures I find in my files after my youngest son has been online:

Wow--beautiful cards! I keep thinking I should start working on a few embroidered Christmas cards...we'll see if that actually happens.
lol on Reisa's cheerleading! Laughter is a good workout for your abdominal muscles, I'm sure. I hope so, anyway...that's about the only kind of exercise I get on a regular basis.
Have you seen Denyse Schmidt's book about quilting? She makes cards, too. They remind me of yours. Very crafty!
-- annie b.
Thanks, Angie!
Annie, I haven't seen that book, but I think I'll do an online search and check it out. I thought it was my own idea! Silly me...
Ummm, maybe he wants a BE-BEE gun?? Just maybe, Uncle Rich needs to take him to the property and shoots some pistols, I have a nice .22...kind-of take the couriosity out of it?? "Maybe"??
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