Monday, October 29, 2007


I am not a movie critic. I don't know about the "art" of movies. I know nothing of filming techniques. I only know what I like and what I don't.

I liked Bella.

I thought the story was beautiful and moving without being pedantic. I thought it effectively communicated the truth that an unsolicited act of kindness can impact a person's future...that taking the time to pay attention to those with whom we daily have contact, but easily overlook, really does matter...that not every love story is a romance...

All I know is: having once been a Nina, I wish I had had a Jose.

Postscript: Two good links were sent to me today regarding this film...this information is all new to me, and intriguing. Here is a review by Christianity Today. And this one has a video of the leading actor commenting on his purpose in the film industry, as well as other helpful info.


Mr. Dad said...

It's getting national attention today, too, from Laura Ingraham (her radio show). Shot in NYC in only 24 days by a couple of Mexican Catholic producers. Trailer is at:
Thanks for the info.

Angie B. said...

You might enjoy reading this review by Frederica Mathewes-Green at Christianity Today.

Lori Waggoner said...

Thanks, Angie. Good article. Someone also sent me a link is a video of Eduardo recounting why he did Bella and what his purpose in film is. I've attached it to the end of the original post.

I knew none of this until today! It looked like a potentially good movie, so I went to see it last night at 9pm. I'm glad I did.