Friday, July 24, 2009

The Joys of VBS

This year, my primary job during VBS is to listen as the children recite their memory work for the week. I love this job, because it allows me to have personal interaction with nearly every one of the 90 children attending. I also love it because I am a huge proponent of heavy Scripture memorization, especially while the mind is young and capable.

Sometimes we ask the little ones to memorize verses with words beyond their understanding or comprehension, trusting that the fuller meaning will penentrate their hearts as they grow older. As I listened to this sweet little five-year-old yesterday, it became very apparent that she didn't quite get the meaning of her verse.

The verse says: "...I would have perished in my affliction." SHE said: "I would have parachuted in my reflection." THEN...the next line of the verse says: "I will not forget your precepts." I wonder what sort of picture was in her mind as she said, "I will not forget your biceps."

Thankfully I had the good sense, and the ability, to stifle my guffaw until she walked back inside the room. I think this might just be the highlight of my week at VBS!!


MeeMaw YaYa said...

Too cute! Hope you are able to take a little time to relax now that VBS is over.

Jeff Meyers said...

Hey, my wife says that thing about my biceps all the time!

Lori Waggoner said...

Riiiight, Jeff. All I can tell you is that she was lookin' at MINE when she said it...jus' sayin'.

Rhonda, I'm all about relaxing now...oh, wait! Sunday school starts up in about 3-4 weeks! Yikes! Better get busy again!