Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Riesa's Christmas Wish List

Over the last few days I have put up our Christmas tree and otherwise decorated the house for the holidays. I've begun playing Christmas music and cooking more. Apparently, all of this has stirred up the Christmas spirit in Aunt Riesa.

You know, if I asked her straight up "What do you want for Christmas?" there's no telling what kind of answer I might get. The answer might be entirely unrelated to the question. However, as she ate breakfast this morning (strategically placed so that she was facing the Christmas tree), she began rattling off a list of items which had nothing to do with one another. I finally figured out that she was sitting there composing her wish list and this was her way of letting me know what it was.

Her list completely backs my assertion that she is part toddler, part teen and part old lady:

New Walkie Talkie
New Telephone
New Hat & Gloves and...
New Reh-Whike-a-Blue Wheelchair (red, white & blue)

Is that a great list, or what?


Anonymous said...

I love it, especially the red, white, and blue wheel chair. Does she want it to light up too? Bling, bling, bling. Joanie

Anonymous said...

Who is Riesa's Santa?

jennifer h said...

I love that she likes looking at the Christmas tree. I hope she gets everything on her list.