Friday, August 31, 2007

"If I Only Had A Brain"

So, here is a perfect example of my "dumb-headedness."

I don't carry a purse. Primarily for the same reason I don't wear winter coats or snug clothing...I find them cumbersome, uncomfortable and lifestyle-cramping. Additionally, I have been known to set my purse down in public only to inadvertantly walk away from it. In recent years, I have taken to sticking my cash, debit cards, and driver's liscense into my pocket; however, this practice carries its own pitfalls...I often leave these items in my pockets and "lose" them temporarily. They always turn up - sometimes in the washer or dryer, sometimes on the basement floor, or occasionally in the pockets where I originally stashed and left them.

A couple of weeks ago, I lost my debit card still hasn't turned up. Then Sunday, I lost something else...2 buttons from my shirt on the way to church. I had to borrow safety pins from 2 prepared mothers who, of all things, were carrying well-equipped purses. I decided it was high time for me to grow up and be a real, purse-totin' momma.

So...last night we went to dinner at Que Pasa restaurant on Watson Rd. and I carried a purse...which I, characteristically and unknowingly, left in the booth (the margarita had nothing to do with it!). The realization didn't hit me until this morning. Alright, no big deal...except...I had made some major returns yesterday and, in addition to my checkbook, debit and credit cards and MO D.L., my wallet contained nearly $400 CASH! No way to PROVE that, of course, and very easy to steal.

After multiple phone calls today and 2 trips to Que Pasa, I finally retrieved my purse. As the manager handed it to me, I stood there and opened it, wondering if I would have to file a police report on the missing cash...only to find every single dollar still present. I was simultaneously relieved and astonished...I even began to cry! What kind of society produces men and women who resist the temptation to take such a stash of cash, and decide instead to return it to its owner?! As bad as we sometimes think things have gotten, our culture still retains lingering evidences of Christianity. In London, you can't even set your purse down next to you in a restaurant without it disappearing. Several people handled my purse and not one of them succumbed to the temptation...amazing. Of course, being the good "Calvinist" I am, I certainly cannot discount the sovereign mercy of God in this circumstance. Fortunately, His care compensates for my lack of brains!


Mr. Dad said...

Oh brother . . . first it was NASCAR . . . now it's carrying (er, uh . . . "totin'") a purse! What next?!
Who knows, before long you'll probably be eating fried chicken n' cheese grits with butter, and you'll have more brains than most of us! What's this world comin' to, anyway?

Glad you found your purse. Also—in the day of debit cards et a—anyone who carries around $400 in cash (purse or not) probably needs (or has) a merciful God as a reminder of where it all comes from!

Congrats on retaining your purse . . . AND your identity (in Him). Ain't it great "we're not in Kansas anymore," Toto?

Anonymous said... dear Brainchild, That's why God doesn't give babies to Grammies.....they'd lay 'em down and forget where they put 'em!

God DOES answer various and sundry ways!

Your Momma's losin' her mind, but not her purse. Sorry Dear, there's nothing more profound I can articulate just now!

Your ever loving redneck, gray-headed Momma

Jeff Meyers said...

Now that you have 400 bucks you can go out and buy yourself a nice Coach purse. Why not go all the way and be a genuine middle-aged suburbanite mother?


Anonymous said...

Mr. Dad - you got a problem with cheese grits with butter?

Anonymous - Welcome to Blogosphere, Mommasito! And thanks for praying!

Jeff - Somehow I think I should be glad I don't know what a "Coach" purse is...apparently you live in a house full of women!

Jeff Meyers said...

Sigh. I do indeed.

Anonymous said...

I lost my bill fold at the airport. Got a call later from Blockbuster asking if I lost my billfold. Apparently it was found and someone turned it in to an airliner's baggage area. Everything was there--even the cash. Joanie
PS My driver's license wasn't with my billfold, so no ID except my name.