Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wordsmith Wednesdays

I've waited a long time to give a nod to that "other" classical language from which many of our English words are derived: Greek! So here you are...


pathos - Greek, n. - suffering, feeling, disease


antipathy (antipathetic, antipathetical) - a feeling against someone or something; dislike

apathy (apathetic) - lack of feeling or interest

empathy (empathetic, empathize, empathetically) - the ability to enter into and understand another's feelings.

pathological (pathology, pathologist, pathological) - related to suffering or disease

sympathize (sympathy, sympathetic) - to have the same feelings

Ya'll haven't given me sentences for a while...can I get a little cooperation here? C'mon...humor me.


Anonymous said...

I empathize with your "pathological" interest of wordsmithing and the roots and derivatives of such, but my sympathy is tied to my apathy even though I am anti-anipathy when it comes to reading your blog about words, Greek, Latin, or otherwise.
Can you tell this is my first time responding to the challenge?

Lori Waggoner said...

I can the enthusiasm, btw!

Anonymous said...

Joanie alias JKH