Friday, April 30, 2010

Posh Tots

I discovered this company - Posh Tots - through a magazine in the pediatrician's office last week.  My oh my!  It is full of outrageously expensive, but fabulously beautiful and lavish luxuries! 

As a lover of textiles, I adore this bedding collection:

 I like the non-traditional colors and the variety of textures.  If you're so inclined, check out their entire bedding collection...some of these ensembles are beyond exquisite!  Like this, for example:

As a lover of all things old-fashioned, I was smitten with this Italian-made pram:

And this glorious bassinet:

As a lover of things modern and functional, I wished I had owned this high-tech, multi-function highchair:

What little boy wouldn't scamper obediently to bed in this covered-wagon?

And what little princess wouldn't give her crown to play in this $75,000 fairytale coach every day? 

Can you imagine the poor spouse who has to maintain this standard of living for the grown-up version of the children on whom these luxuries are bestowed?  Yikes!

But...I have to admit...these ARE magnificent manifestations of the Image of God in mankind's creativity!  A colossal waste of money, perhaps, but a delight to the eyes and imagination!


Angie B. said...

When I saw this post title in my Google Reader, I was sure it was going to be a recipe for some sort of sophisticated tater tot casserole!

Lori Waggoner said...

That would require a great deal more imagination than I will ever have! said...

Ridiculous, we use a cardboard box for a crib. Old towels for clothes and diapers. And I have a couple pieces of paper taped to a drill bit in a power drill and a rubber band holding the trigger to spin it for a mobile.

Lori Waggoner said...

Paul, if it weren't for a certain gal named Crystal, I might believe you! Innovative ideas, for sure...