Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Because my first couple of gratitude posts have been rather serious, this one may seem silly...like I'm grasping for an idea or making fun of being thankful.  But that's not the case.  For me, one of the ideas behind intentionally giving thanks is to pay attention to the seemingly simple things in life...things easily overlooked, not only because I take them for granted but because they are "small."

Today, as I sat with an elderly friend eating a bowl of vanilla ice cream topped with caramel and chocolate, I had to chuckle at our conversation.  We sat there with big grins, both of us verbally effusive about how absolutely delicious it was and how much we LOVE ice cream...and it occurred to me: this is one of those simple gifts that I never stop and give thanks for.  It's just ice cream, afterall! 

BUT...several "someones" in history took the time to figure out the right combination of cream, sugar and eggs to make the perfect frozen concoction!  And then they shared the result with the rest of us!  Not life-changing...not world-altering...but a gift nonetheless for which I return thanks!


Annie H. said...

In total agreement...I'm very thankful for ice cream!

Lori Waggoner said...

I knew this would strike a chord with SOMEONE...just figured it would be Sonja Smith!

So...wanna go out for ice cream? (well...maybe when it warms up a tad?)

Randy S. said...

Ummmm! Sorry I missed it!