Outside my window...a balmy 39 degrees...but no real sunshine to speak of (I changed that to its grammatically correct form - of which to speak - but it just didn't sound right!) Perfect day to sit by the fire and read...too bad I can't!

From the kitchen...fried eggs fresh from Keane Acres. They're a wily bunch, those Keane kids! One hit up Mr. Shaffer to buy a dozen, while the other hit ME up...we had to chuckle when we met each other in the lobby of the church and we were each sporting a carton of eggs. So, we brought home 2 dozen fresh eggs last night to add to the 3 dozen I had already bought at Schnucks! Good thing we're low-carbers around here! They'll be gone soon enough.
Around the house...it looks, smells and sounds like Christmas! What else can I say?
A favorite thing...the beautiful gardenia that my friend Rhonda gave me in memory of my brother. It is still flourishing in my back garden. Today would have been Jeffrey's 38th birthday. He was taken from us 7 months ago yesterday.
I am hearing...Jason Mraz's version of Winter Wonderland. This kid exudes joy no matter what he's singing.
I am reading...Psalm 69. Again, the Gloria Dei Cantores version of this cannot be surpassed.
I am creating...blah.
I am thankful...for the 60+ people from Providence Reformed Presbyterian Church who are going out from us to plant another daughter church in south St. Louis city: Resurrection Presbyterian Church.
Plans for my week...this is the slow week before the craziness sets in. 3 basketball games...1 perm and cut...choir...husband golfing in CA for 4 days...Juilan & Riesa...carpool for 2 boys and one aunt...organize teacher manuals and curriculum for new SS quarter...maybe think about Christmas shopping for the first time this year. Take a deep breath before next week!
A photo/video I am sharing...Merry Christmas!
I'm glad the gardenia is doing so well. I know this time of year is tough and will be praying for you and your family, particularly during the holiday season.
Thank you, Rhonda. I know you know...
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