These tempting items are offered in this year's "Bits & Pieces" gift catalogue:

Here we have nothing less than the CAT SERENADE STATUE in which "three happy chums belt out a tune only they can hear"! I'm thinking that's a plus...

Now, don't be fooled into thinking this is just your average cheesy poster of wolves howling in the arctic sunset...this, my good friends, is a Jigsaw puzzle. But wait! That's not's a GLOW-IN-THE-DARK jigsaw puzzle. Pure eye-candy. I wish I may, I wish I might...

And finally...we have the avidly sought-after DOG-IN-A PORCELAIN-TEACUP ORNAMENT. Now who wouldn't love getting this in their stocking?! Do I really have to wait another whole year to add this to my list? Bummer.
You know which one I'd get YOU, you DOG lover...oooh and you could always drink a cup of tea from it...hee-hee, I promise to whisper in Santas' ear for you....K?!!
I own a coffee mug that has a little spotted dog sitting in the bottom, looking up at the lucky one in possession of the mug. Of course, the unsuspecting guest doesn't know this until the coffee is almost gone. It's great fun, often the highlight of the evening...
OH THANKS, Trina! My ever-loving sister-in-law!
Rhonda, that's a hoot! I could see the point of that kind of cup...great entertainment value!
Love the dog in the cup. I don't understand it, but I think it is funny.
P.S. Yes. I have a full-time job and I should be in bed and not reading your blog. Ah hem . . .
Jennifer! 1AM! But I always say that sleep is hihgly overrated. Maybe we're cut of the same cloth.
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