This little fella is both "plush" and "plastic" according to the ad copy. He projects 8 constellations onto the ceiling in your color choice: blue, green or amber. Educates you while providing a tranquil sleeping environment.

If you've seen me lately, explaining the absence of this little device from my list might be superfluous. For those who have NOT seen me, suffice it to say that the last thing this head of 80's hair VOLUME!
For the couch potato in all of us, Hammacher Schlemmer offers THE CIRCULATION IMPROVING LEG WRAPS. For a mere $150, you can improve the circulation in your lower extremeties without having to leave the comfort of your sofa. That's infinitely cheaper than a gym membership, you know. Or cold-weather running gear, for that matter! They just might be on to something. Maybe next year...
I'm going to be honest--I like that turtle. As for improving circulation without leaving the couch...count me in!
The indoor dog restroom, on the other hand, makes me glad we don't have pets.
Well, as you know by now, it didn't take the idea of an indoor doggie restroom to make me glad I don't have pets.
I'm thinking the leg wraps would be an excellent addition to the sedentary life of a writer!!
What? No links to any of these handy products?
For your pleasure, one stop shopping at Hamamcher Schlemmer. They wouldn't let me cut and paste pictures from their website...I had to cut them out of the actual magazine and scan them!! Therefore, I refuse to link to them! you go... :-)
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