Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Swords into Plowshares

I finally finished All My Holy Mountain, the fifth and final book in L.B. Graham's Binding of the Blade series.  The ending was predictable for anyone who knows the Bible, because it follows the trajectory of Christian history to its culmination - that day in which wars will cease and all its implements will be forged into productive instruments of creativity.  Even so, the vision of a gloriously restored Garden-City on the mountaintop, out of which the Crystal Fountain flows once again for the cleansing, healing and remaking of a world desecrated by rebellion, is a beautiful and moving one.   Hearing and seeing it in the context of Graham's world and story forced me to think anew about what awaits us at the end of history as we know it.

I enjoyed the BOTB series, but found the first and fourth books most compelling.  I couldn't put them down.  I am anxious to see what my boys think.  At their young ages, they are more widely read than I am, and have had some pretty decent instruction in literature.  I'd also be interested to hear from any of you who have read the series...from beginning to end.

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