"The world is so full of a number of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings!" So said Robert Louis Stevenson, in spite of the fact that he did not have access to a fraction of the wonderful things which are at our fingertips in this modern era! Here are a few of the treasures which were out of his grasp...and, for this year anyway, will remain out of mine.
From our good friends at CBD:

That's it. I'm not going. (movie reference...anyone?)

Have you ever read one of these books? I did, at a friend's behest. These kind of books used to get on my nerves. Now I figure I should write my own...I mean, there's gotta be some serious profit involved, dont' ya think? Only 23 minutes, Bill? That's nothin! Just wait til you hear MY story!!
I have admired these Prayer of Jabez shawls for years, but I've never added it to my list because I'm convinced I could MAKE it for less.

We read that last book in college, only it was called "Lysistrata"
Nice! Withhold the goods, baby. You'll get exactly what you want. But really, Jonathan, you all aren't THAT easy. Really. ;-)
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