Monday, September 14, 2009

Leisurely Woman's Daybook 10

Outside my window...My previously beautiful "Jane" magnolia appears to be very ill. The leaves are turning black and it's full of bees...I need to have her diagnosed and treated before I lose her altogether!

From the kitchen...tried a new brew this weekend and loved it: Unibroue's Chambly Noire. Give it a try, if you're so inclined.

Around the house...the windows are open and the whole house fan is freshening the place.

A favorite sewing machine. I miss using it and am determined to find a way to incorporate sewing back into my life!

I am thinking...that when Solomon advised us to "guard your heart with all diligence for from it flow the issues of life" he knew what he was talking about.

I am wearing...a Cardinals hat. Yes...they just got swept by the Braves. But when's the last time they got swept? Better yet, when is the last time they even lost a series? Hmmm? That would be late July. And they have swept 5 series since then. So, hey. We're good! Go CARDS!

I am hearing...Norah Jones' Cold, Cold Heart

I am reading...Helen Keller's The Story of My Life.

I am creating...a new fall/winter wardrobe. None of last year's clothes fit (yay!), so I have to start completely over...or should I say I GET to?!

I am thankful...for my sister-in-law, Trina!

Plans for my week...wallow in self-pity...wrestle with myself loathing...stare into the abyss as I slip slowly into madness...

A photo/video I am sharing...from the wedding archives: my siblings with me from our wedding 17 years ago. I was struck by how dark-haired all of us were. Not anymore! Grey and artificial color prevail now! The six of us sang "Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us" during the ceremony.


annie said...

That is so great that you get to create a whole new fall/winter wardrobe. How did you do it? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Lori Waggoner said...

How did I do what? Get my husband to agree to purchasing a whole new wardrobe? :-)

I've been eating a diet very low in carbs and very high in fat for a little over 2 years now. I lost about 25 pounds in about 18 months and kept it off...but leveled out. In March, I started walking/running 3 miles 5-6 days per week. I've dropped another 15-20 since then. I'll probably have to maintain this lifestyle forever if I want to keep it off. And of course, right now, I WANT to keep it off! I went from wearing size 14 jeans to SIZE 4!!! THAT is fun. I have one more lose about 7 more pounds so that I can say I've lost 50...just for fun! :-)

Lori Waggoner said...

Maybe you meant how did I create the new wardrobe and I just gave you a bunch of info you didn't want!!

I'm a bargain shopper...TJ Maxx, Marshalls, WalMart, Target and GOODWILL!! I plan to blog about the whole shopping experience...eventually.

annie said...

Well, the wardrobe part is interesting, but I was asking about the weight loss method so you answered the right question. Atkins, then? And congratulations on losing it all. That's amazing, woman! :)

And, I look forward to reading about your shopping and wardrobe building experiences.

Trina Waggoner said...

SIZE 4? Where are you going to come up with another 7 pounds? I said you have BEAUTIFUL legs, NOT Bird legs, and you are a Waggoner so leave alittle Junk in the Trunk My Dear Lori!! Can I say that on here?? My-Bad???