Monday, February 15, 2010


I am certain the post title will call forth in many of you that annoying tune and it will haunt you for hours.  Sorry.  Sort of.

As the lone living soul on the beach watching tonight's rather visually unspectacular sunset, I was prompted to meditate on the faithfulness of God as manifest in the daily rising and setting of the sun.

As modern day Scientific-Enlightenment thinkers, we are prone to assign this daily phenomenon to "Nature" - as though she possessed some independent will and power to make things happen.

The Truth is, that our Father causes the sun to rise and set every day and in this "small" gesture, which we take for granted, He teaches us that He is trustworthy, predictable, orderly and faithful.  By this very act alone, we can find grounds to trust Him because He is faithful, not only in bestowing this daily ritual, but in all His works and ways.

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